hadley/ggplot2movies master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit History7 Commits R data-raw data man .Rbuildignore .gitignore DESCRIPTION NAMESPACE cran-comments.md ggplot2movies.Rproj View all files About What the package does (one paragraph). Activity Stars 9...
The kurtosis value is -1.5116, which is less than 3, which indicates that eruption duration distribution is platykurtic. The other indication is its histogram not bell-shaped. Skewness in Statistics-Calculate Skewness in R » The postKurtosis in R-What do you understand by Kurtosis?appeared fir...
Load Packages:Once installed, load a package using thelibrary(package_name)function. For example, to load theggplot2package, runlibrary(ggplot2). Configuration:R’s default configuration is usually sufficient for most users. However, you can customize settings by creating a.Rprofilefile in your h...
Self-documenting plots in ggplot2 How to write the first for loop in R How to Calculate a Cumulative Average in R Sponsors Recent Posts Markov Chain Introduction in R Monte Carlo Analysis in R Stock Market Predictions Next Week Capture errors, warnings and messages {golem} 0.3.2 is no...
Rishighly extensibleand it has thousands of well-documented extensions (named R packages) for a very broad range of applications in the financial sector, health care,… It’seasy to create R packagesfor solving particular problems Related articles ...
Creating a plot of LBJ career stats. When I run last bit of code, p <- p + labs, it returns the error: Error in grid.Call(C_convert, x, as.integer(whatfrom), as.integer(whatto), : Viewport has zero dimension(s) I am new to R and programm...
What is R Programming? still enjoys the status as a go-to programming language among data scientists. Rhas also been adapted to deep learning these days and this helped several statisticians take on to deep learning in their respective fields easily, makingRan indispensable part of the current ...
R: R is another powerful language specifically designed for statistics and data analysis. It excels in data exploration with packages like ggplot2, dplyr, and shiny, which provide extensive data visualization and manipulation capabilities. SQL: Structured Query Language (SQL) is excellent for explorin...
R:R is a statistical language often used by Data Scientists because it excels at statistical computing and graphics. It also provides an extendable environment featuring many packages like ggplot2 or dplyr, which facilitate manipulation and visualization of datasets. ...
is widely used for statistical computing and data visualization. The ggplot2 package, in particular, is an industry standard for creating beautiful, informative plots. In this track, you’ll learn how to create high-quality visualizations and understand the power of R's data manipulation ...