An individual experiences a flow state when they become deeply immersed in an activity that is challenging but not outside of their skillset. The idea of flow was introduced and first studied bypositive psychologistMihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Engaging in a flow state helps an individual learn and furt...
Positive psychology is a relatively new subfield of psychology that focuses on human strengths and the things that make life worth living. Psychologist Martin Seligman is considered the father of this branch of psychology after he led the charge to popularize it in 1998. Since then, positive psyc...
What is flow in positive psychology? How to reinforce kids' positive behaviors after psychotherapy? What is cognitive processing in psychology? What is unconditional positive regard in psychology? What are propositions of developmental psychology? What is overt behavior in psychology? What is social imp...
Ambivalent people never commit to a single purpose. They go with the flow, and they end up in Nowhere Land. A positive mind is always non-ambivalent. Positive people are convinced and committed to a course of action regardless of the consequences. Opposition does not deter them, and storms ...
wide,raisedmetalroofprotectsthebuildingfromrainandhelpsairflow.Kéréinvolvedthelocal communitythroughoutthedesignandbuildingoftheschool.Thenumberofstudentsattheschool increasedfrom120to700. KéréisthefirstAfricantobehonoredwiththePritzker.InhisnativeBurkinaFaso,citizens celebratedthewin.NébilaAristideBazié,headof...
hasfoundthattheyflowoverlongdistancesand intoouroceans,damagingecosystemsalongthe way. 5 Thewastewaterthenflowsintorivers andouttosea,wheretheyareeatenbyseaanimals.Ifpeopletheneattheseanimals,itmeans thatwe?reeatingtheplasticaswell. A.Aretheybadforus? B.andnowit?stheArctic?sturn. C.soweshouldtakeaction...
Blaming another and resentment can prevent the flow of energy necessary to achieve your aspirations. The act of blame stems from inaccurate philosophical beliefs. It is the philosophical beliefs that we hold that are responsible for the world’s problems and our own unhappiness. A MindFormsMatter....
Blaming another and resentment can prevent the flow of energy necessary to achieve your aspirations. The act of blame stems from inaccurate philosophical beliefs. It is the philosophical beliefs that we hold that are responsible for the world’s problems and our own unhappiness. A MindFo...
Interest (~ curiosity, excitement, wonder, flow) Interest arises in situations that offer novelty, change, and a sense of possibility. Interest also involves a sense that something is important and that we ought to payattentionand exert effort. Interest is thought...
Emotions can flow with these physical threats – anger and rage, fear and worry, sadness and tears, dread and shock can all overwhelm us in moments of injury and pain. There is little control over all these reflexes and responses within the moment, so we shouldn't despair if we don't ...