它将太阳能转化成生物能,并从无序中发展出有序。 薛定谔以物理学家的眼光看到了大自然中的这个反例,称之为“负熵”。 负熵就是从无序走向有序的趋势。 米哈里这样概括心流的成因和特征。 第一,注意力。 他说:体验过心流的人都知道,那份深沉的快乐是严格的自律、集中注意力换来的。 第二,有一个他愿意为之...
《心流》(Flow :The Psychology of Optional Experience)摘录 1. “心流”是什么? 心流即一个人完全沉浸在某种活动当中,无视其他事物存在的状态。这种体验本身带来莫大的喜悦,使人愿意付出巨大的代价。(幸福的代名词) 作者在在“心流”概念的基础上,建立了最优体验的理论 最优体验 最优体验不仅在...
Psychology tells us that we are happiest when we become so absorbed in something that we lose ourselves to the "flow" of the moment. Another way to describe it is being "in the zone." But this is no superficial or fleeting definition of happiness. Renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmiha...
While you are under this Flow mental state, you will experience: 1.Completely immersed and engaged in what you are doing (完全沉浸于并投入到正在做的事情中) 2.A sense of ecstasy, feeling outside everyday reality (一种陶醉感,感觉自己超然于日常现实之外) 3.Great inner clarity (内心的澄明) 4...
The intent of this book is to use some of the tools of modern psychology to explore this very ancient question: When do people feel most happy? If we can begin to find an answer to it, perhaps we shall eventually be able to order life so that happiness will play a larger part in it...
book summary - flow Flow : The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author ofFlow,is sorta like the Godfather of positive psychology ...Hailed by researchers and positive psychologists from every corner of the globe -- "Mr. C" as I'm sure he's known as in many ci...
we experience a sense of happiness and satisfaction. For the majority of people on this earth, life goals are simple: to survive, to leave children who will in turn survive, and, if possible, to do so with a certain amount of comfort and dignity. In the favelas spreading around South Am...
Csikszentmihalyi 刻画出了 4 个驱使玩家技能和任务难度平衡的典型特征,从而增加进入 Flow 的可能性。 有明确具体的目标伴随可掌握的规则 要求达成目标的行动符合玩家的能力 在玩家行为表现和达成目标时,有清晰和及时的反馈 减少无相关的打扰,因此促进玩家专注 ...
How to bring Flow into your life. “Don’t aim at success—the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue…as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a course ...
Flow: The psychology of optimal experienceRowIt is useful to remember occasionally that life unfolds as a chain of subjective experiences. Whatever else life might be, the only evidence we have of it, the only direct data to which we have access...