week.Thatisonehourbetween8p.m.and9p.m.onFriday,SaturdayandSundaymostweeks. LiZhanguohastwochildrenaged4and8.Eventhoughtheydonothavesmartphones,they enjoyplayingonlinegames.Likemanyotherparents,Liishappywithnewgovernmentrules.But expertssayitisunclearifsuchpoliciescanhelppreventaddictiontoonlinegames.Childrenmi...
Likeprotein, but notcarbohydrates, fat is essential to human life. We all need fat in our diets: Fat is a concentrated source of energy and can be stored by the body. A gram of fat contains nine calories, much more than a gram of protein or carbohydrate, which both contain four calorie...
i m drawing i m ella i m falling down i m fat i m fine max i m from argentina i m from harbin i m getting ready i m going mad i m going to i m heart stricken i m home now i m hopeless i m in belgium i m in heaven i m missing him i m not dead i m not laughing ...
When I was a child I was often told what not to eat. “You don’t want to get fat” was on constant repeat throughout my childhood. It really messed up my relationship with food—something that took me years to overcome. Because of this, I’m careful not to connect what my kids w...
What is the importance of fats to the health of a human being and what are some food sources of fats?Lipids:Lipids are significantly the macromolecules that resemble the fat-like molecule and a fundamental block of the animal cells. They are the typical...
D These findings underline how chimp and human laughter vary. When we laugh, the sound is usually produced by chopping up a single exhalation into a series of shorter with one sound produced on each inward and outward breath. The question is: does this pant laughter have the same source as...
Everyone must assume his share of the responsibility to protect the environment.每个人都必须承担起保护环境的责任。 It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。 Which of the following is...
Ideas of beauty are different acrosscultures. It is important for human race to see beauty indifferenceanddepth. Physical beauty should beaccompaniedbyinnerbeauty, which is moresubjectiveand moreimportant. Beauty has variousdimensions. 同时,在总结第2、3、5段时,因为段落内含有作者很多引用的论据支持自己...
on. Then she realized that, as the water got colder and rougher, she was actually getting faster and warmer, and she was really enjoying it. At age 14, she broke her first endurance record. Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal....
1. I was thinking about my bucket list—you know, a list of things you want to do before you die? Anyway, one thing on mine is I plan to visit Antarctica someday. It’s the coldest place on Earth. Everyone always says to me, “What can you do in Antarctica?” A lot, actually...