In the Valley – Ennui Adventures Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist) Dense: Weekly Photo Challenge Disappeared in the Dense – Geriatri’x’ Fotogallery Viola flower seeds | no need – borderline crossing: curious & Undefined Weekly Photo Challenge: Dense –...
While common nouns are used as general terms, they can also be categorized further based on their meaning within a sentence. Abstract nounsare things that cannot be seen or touched like joy or ennui. Concrete nounsare tangible things like concrete or cement. ...
GERANIUM Gentility, peaceful mind GILLYFLOWER Bonds of affection, lasting beauty, she is fair GLADIOLI Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower of the Gladiators GLADIOLUS Readyarmed GLOXINIA Love at First Sight GOLDENROD Encouragement, precaution GOOSEBERRY Anticipation GRANDIFLORA Highsouled GRAPE ...
there is no real motivation for any action.Michael Moorcock’sDancers at the End of Timescience fiction series from the 1970s describes the ennui and the inevitable fall into decadence resulting from unlimited life and unlimited power. What these and other stories bring home is that, to some ...
Cacophony. Shutterstock. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE DEFINITION ALREADY…: It doesn't sound like a put-down, but it kind of is. ... Ennui. iStock. ... Aquiver. Shutterstock. ... Glib. Shutterstock. ... Umbrage. iStock. ...
What part of speech is bother? Is it true that implicit communication is more informal and not worried about grammar? What part of speech is whereas? What part of speech is the word ennui? What is a pertinent question? What does interrogative mean?
dissolutioncumreconstitution is ‘defamiliarization,’ a blasting away of mental ruts and habits that prevent us from experiencing everything and everyone as they are, miracles of existence in play in many dimensions, rather than as we have come to pigeon-hole and misread them in theennuiof our...
Fin de siecle is a French term meaning "end of the century" and it typically is used to refer to the last two decades of the nineteenth century. The "spirit" of the fin de siecle period is characterized by decadence, aestheticism, pessimism, cynicism, and ennui....
Sadly, libraries are sometimes invisible – despite bright and shiny new furniture, despite the brilliant displays, despite the extensive collections, despite the well meaning efforts of librarians. What I mean by that is that the library and library staff are not an intrinsic part of the essentia...
Today is the 210th anniversary of Charles R. Darwin’s birthday so I put together a quick post. I’d been meaning to blog about some of our latest scientific papers, so I chose those that had an explicit evolutionary theme, which I hope Chuck would like. Here they are, each with a ...