D1 is a diodethat works like a one-way water valve, setting up the water to flow in the desired direction. In some cases, they can work together to increase the amount of water. For example, draw excess water back for use again. In electronics, it’s the same way. With the help ...
request otp on voice call login to view results name * email id * grade * city * view result physics related links vector quantity examples what is a dipole what is lenz law invention and inventors name zener diode circuit types of fluid flow bio savarts law angular velocity tensile stress...
What is a parallel circuit? Parallel Circuits: A circuit from an electronics standpoint is complete course of conductors and other electronic components through which electrical current can flow. It must be a complete circuit where the flow starts and stops at the same point. ...
Figure 1. A diode's circuit symbol. The anode is on the left, and the cathode is on the right. Diodes may be simple, but they are extremely useful because of their V-I curve, shown in Figure 2. The X-axis is voltage, and the Y-axis tells you how much current can flow through ...
If a break occurs in a series circuit, it becomes an open with no current flow. This is equivalent to a series element with infinite resistance blocking current. Short Circuit When two nodes in a series circuit contact each other, a “short circuit” occurs that bypasses part of the series...
Whenever the applied voltage is held constant, the current in adirect currentcircuitis directly proportional to the conductance. If the conductance is doubled, the current is also doubled. If the conductance is cut to one-tenth its initial value, then the current also becomes one-tenth as exc...
A clamp meter is a clothespin-shaped instrument that can be clamped around a live wire in order to measure the current it’s carrying. The typical multimeter has to be inserted in series with the circuit under measurement, requiring that it be cut first. By contrast, clamp meters can measur...
Q: What properties do MOSFET body diodes have? A: A body diode is a parasitic diode formed between a source/drain due to MOSFET structure. The following characteristics are described on the datasheet.
The input impedance of the CMOScircuit onlylies on the leakage current of the protectiondiodeat the input end, soits valueis extremely high, reachingmore than 108to1011Ω. Therefore, theCMOS circuithardly consumes the power of the driving circuit. ...
Equivalent Circuit of BJT A p-n junction is represented by a diode. As a transistor has two p-n junctions, it is equivalent to two diodes connected back to back. This is called as the two diode analogy of the BJT. Bipolar Junction Transistors Characteristics The three parts of a BJT are...