在全球能源危机背景之下,作为最新一代照明电光源的发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode, LED)凭借其节能、环保、寿命长、体积小等优点在各个照明领域广受欢迎,并在不断开拓新的应用场 景[1-3]。IEC 61000-3-2 Class C标准对LED驱动电源的谐波和功率因数提出要求,LED驱动电源应具备功率因数校正(Power Factor Correction...
We deduced from these plots the carrier lifetime, differential diode resistance, diffusion capacitance, parasitic resistance, and the ideality factor of each diode. The parameters were then used in the equivalent circuit to calculate the modelled input impedance of the device which was then compared ...
LEDs consist of semiconducting material mixed with impurities to create a p-n function similar to a diode. Atoms in the n-type material have free electrons, and n-type materials have electron holes. A positive voltage on the p-side and a negative voltage on the n-side generate forward bias...
Keywords:LLC;LEDdriver;resonantcircuit 0 引 言 1 LED驱动技术概述 随着IED(Light—EmittingDiode)技术的发展和 广泛应用,大功率LED(High—PowerLight-Emitting Diode)照明在能源危机日趋严重的今天越来越受到世 界各国的高度重视。LED由于具有高效节能、无汞毒 ...
夏普LED规格书 ※These specifications contain pages including the cover and appendix. If you have any objections, please contact us before issuing purchasing order.CUSTOMERS ACCEPTANCE DATE:BY:PRESENTED BY:Dept. General Manager REVIEWED BY:PREPARED BY:Development Department ⅡLighting Device Division Electr...
发光二极管(Lighting Emitting Diode,LED)具有光效高、无污染、寿命长等特点,成为第四代新光源[1-3]。LED驱动电源是整个照明系统中的核心部件,应具备功率因数高、效率高、成本低和寿命长等优点。LED驱动电源一般采用两级结构,如图1所示,包括适配器和驱动器。 图1 两级LED驱动电路结构Fig.1 Block diagram of conve...
(a) Current crowding happened in a mesa—structure GaN—based LED grown on sapphire.( b) Equivalent circuit consis— ti ng of n—type and p -type layer resi stances .p -typ e contact res istance. 第4 期 曹伟伟 ,等 :不 同形状 的电流阻挡层对 GaN 基 LED 光效 的影 响 ...
Note: The LpR free version is for private use only. Your support helps us to create valuable content for the lighting sector. For businesses, please subscribe to the LpR issue, which allows you to share the magazine within your organization and use it for your business. Seesubscriptions... ...
近期,美国国家标准协会ANSI发布了针对LED驱动电源、LED控制器的ANSI UL 8750-2018 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products的安全标准更新,主要更新了Type IC LED 驱动电源、Wired Control Circuit 调光线路的安全隔离要求和解决方案。
Therefore equation (1) becomes, vL = Vg ic = -V/R ig = I (2) Figure 2 (d) shows the equivalent circuit for subinterval 2. During the second subinterval, the switch Q1 is in the off state and the diode D1 conducts. So in this subinterval following equations are obtained. vL = -...