the shadow map is used to test whether surfaces visible on the screen are also visible from the light’s point of view. Shadow maps come with many limitations and artifacts, and quickly become expensive as the number of lights in
Applying a bump map in Autodesk Maya creates the illusion of texture on a 3D model. See the tutorial here. Model and image courtesy of Turbo Squid artist Michael Weisheim Woolfy. What is bump mapping? Bump mapping uses a 2D grayscale image to simulate fine details on a 3D model’s ...
What is another word forcolonize? Needsynonyms for colonize? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ To settle (a group of people, a species, or the like) in a place as a colony To forcefully settle in, or take possession of, a land ...
If it’s time to introduce or refine digital operations, a digital strategy provides a roadmap for the work ahead, detailing how each department will use digital processes or technologies to contribute to an overall goal. Digital transformation is what occurs when your digital strategy involves a...
What is mind mapping, and how do you make a mind map? Get plenty of examples, and learn how mind mapping boosts creativity and brain power.
It is as broad as long, whether they rise to others, or bring others down to them. Spread The difference between the price asked and bid for a particular security. Broad The broad part of anything; as, the broad of an oar. Spread The difference in yields between two fixed-income securi...
While Chinese government policy towards P&B is strategic, aiming to promote innovation and market upgrading, and our interviews show that GGFs are responsive to policy, the way this is operationalised is diffuse, rather than targeted at specific priority technologies. This, along with the fact ...
Diffuse Horizontal Irradianceis the amount of radiation received per unit area by a surface that does not arrive on a direct path from the sun, but has been scattered by molecules and particles in the atmosphere. Basically, it is the illumination that comes from clouds and the blue sky. ...
Status characteristic theory is to answer why newly formed groups quickly develop an internal power and prestige order and that participants’ outside statues shaped this order (Bales et al. 1970; Strodtbeck, James, and Hawkins, 1957).Diffuse and Specific Status;A start-up view ...
Texture mapping refers to a graphic design procedure that involves a “texture map” (a 2-D surface) that is “wrapped around” a 3-D object. In this way, a three-dimensional object attains a surface texture that is similar to the surface texture of a two-dimensional surface. It is the...