“When I as a breast imaging radiologist describe a patient as having dense breasts, what I mean is that her mammogram looks white to me,” Smetherman says. “Cancers will also look white, so looking for something white on a background of white is more difficult to identify.” Fatty tiss...
If you’ve had a mammogram recently, the doctor or technician may have told you that you have densebreasts. Radiologists in much of the U.S. are required by law to let you know if you fall into that category when they send your results. Having densebreastsis normal and very common. Bu...
The younger we are, the denser our breasts are. They're considered "dense" when they have a lot of glandular and connective tissue and not much of the fatty kind. Only a mammogram can determine whether you have dense breasts. Neither your doctor nor you (during a self-exam) can tell ...
50% of women age 40+ who get mammograms have dense breasts. Do you? Understanding breast density is a vital part of your breast cancer screening health. Take this quiz to learn more.
Do Dense Breasts Impact Plastic Surgery Procedures? If you’ve ever had a mammogram, you may have noticed a note on your results about your breast density. Maybe your natural breast tissue is not dense or all, extremely dense or somewhere in the middle. If you do have what’s known as ...
And number two, when you have dense breasts, it means that when you get a mammogram, it may be harder to detect a breast cancer, and you may need additional imaging," she said.Here's what to know. What is dense breast tissue?
D: Extremely dense. In this case, most of the tissue is dense and there is very little fatty tissue on the mammogram. Helen King/Getty Images What does dense breast tissue mean? Breasts havethree types of tissue: fibrous, glandular and fatty. Fibrous tissue holds your breast together, while...
it's advised that women start undergoing screening mammograms from the age of 40 to 45 and continue either annually or biennially, factoring in individual risk profiles such as family history, genetic markers, and particularly, the presence of dense breasts. These dense breast tissues can obscure ...
A mammogram is an x-ray of your breasts. The pictures may show lumps that are too small to feel during a breast exam. How is breast cancer treated?Treatment depends on the size of the tumor and if it has spread. Treatment also depends on your age and the type of breast cancer you ...
Often, an unusual finding is just a spot of dense tissue or the result of an unclear image. If this is your first mammogram, don’t worry! Some women feel concerned that the screening will be painful, but today’s medical equipment is designed to make your experience as comfortable as ...