“When I as a breast imaging radiologist describe a patient as having dense breasts, what I mean is that her mammogram looks white to me,” Smetherman says. “Cancers will also look white, so looking for something white on a background of white is more difficult to identify.” Fatty tiss...
Dense breasts are harder to read on a mammogram. Tumors and masses show up as white spots just like dense tissue does. So it can be a challenge to tell the difference between what’s normal and what’s suspicious. It’s easier to miss a trouble spot or to falsely diagnosebreast cancer....
She says it's difficult to detect cancer in dense breasts because breast cancer and dense tissue appear white on a mammogram. "Our sensitivity or our ability to detect breast cancer goes down in women who have dense breast tissue for that reason," she explains. Dense breast tissue supplemental...
What does dense breast tissue mean? Breasts havethree types of tissue: fibrous, glandular and fatty. Fibrous tissue holds your breast together, while glandular tissue contains the lobes or parts of the breast necessary for breastfeeding or chestfeeding. As for fatty tissue, it provides breast sha...
Mammograms can be difficult to read accurately if you have dense breasts. Dense breasts have higher amounts of glandular and fibrous tissue and less fatty, non-dense tissue than average.11Research has found thatdense breast tissuemay be more likely to become cancerous than average. ...
These knots are very painful and are beginning to disrupt my sleep. Does it sound normal to get pain in my shoulder, shooting down my arm, and in parts of my face when I try to release the knots? I'm at a loss. Byanon66064— On Feb 17, 2010 ...