EXPLAIN PLAN - explain access path to data LOCK TABLE - control concurrency DCL is Data Control Language statements. Some examples: COMMIT - save work done SAVEPOINT - identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back ROLLBACK - restore database to original since the last C...
SET TRANSACTION - Change transaction options like isolation level and what rollback segment to use http://www.orafaq.com/faq/what_are_the_difference_between_ddl_dml_and_dcl_commands Adata dictionaryis a collection of descriptions of thedataobjects or items in a data model for the benefit of ...
3. Data Query Language (DQL): It is used for querying and retrieving the data. SELECT, along with conditions, is used to retrieve data. 4. Data Control Language (DCL): It controls access to data within the database. GRANT and REVOKE are the commands used in DCL. 5. Transaction Control...
DCL is short name of Data Control Language which includes commands such as GRANT, and mostly concerned with rights, permissions and other controls of the database system. GRANT – allow users access privileges to database. REVOKE – withdraw users access privileges given by using the GRANT comman...
What is dump destination? What are bdump, cdump and udump? Trace files for Oracle processes are stored in dump destination. Bdump -Oracle writes to the trace log and creates trace files for background processes in background dump destination. If this directory becomes full and more files ca...
The UPDATE statement is used to update one or more records within the database. You can either update all rows at once or use a condition to only alter a subset. Types of SQL commands The language can be broken down into four types of SQL commands – DDL, DML, DQL and DCL. Let’s...
Commands provide an efficient way of communicating with the database. Using SQL, MySQL DBMS, you can create tables, insert data into tables, delete data or the table, modify/delete records, add constraints, etc. List of various SQL Commands: ...
Data control language (DCL): Controls data access through commands like GRANT and REVOKE, helping to ensure appropriate levels of access. Data query language (DQL): Executes data queries to retrieve information. Transaction control language (TCL): Manages transaction changes to help ensure data integ...
Is commit DCL? Transactions do not apply to the Data Control Language (DCL) or Data Definition Language (DDL) portions (such as CREATE, DROP, ALTER, and so on) of the SQL language. DCL and DDLcommands always force a commit, which in turn commits everything done before them. ...
Since DDL is a subset of SQL, it does not include all the possible SQL commands. For example, commands such as SELECT and INSERT are considered part of the Data Manipulation Language (DML), while access commands such as CONNECT and EXECUTE are part of the Data Control Language (DCL). The...