SQL commands encompass a diverse set of categories, each tailored to a specific aspect of database management. Whether you’re defining database structures (DDL), manipulating data (DML), controlling access (DCL), managing transactions (TCL), or querying for information (DQL), SQL provides the ...
SQL consists of commands and functions that are used to manage databases and database objects. SQL can also forcibly implement the rules for data types, expressions, and texts. Therefore, section "SQL Reference" describes data types, expressions, functions, and operators in addition to SQL syntax...
dcl.vim deb822sources.vim debchangelog.vim debcontrol.vim debcopyright.vim debsources.vim def.vim denyhosts.vim dep3patch.vim desc.vim desktop.vim dictconf.vim dictdconf.vim diff.vim dircolors.vim dirpager.vim diva.vim django.vim dns.vim dnsmasq.vim docbk.vim docbksgml.vim docbkxml.vim...
dcl.vim deb822sources.vim debchangelog.vim debcontrol.vim debcopyright.vim debsources.vim def.vim denyhosts.vim dep3patch.vim desc.vim desktop.vim dictconf.vim dictdconf.vim diff.vim dircolors.vim dirpager.vim diva.vim django.vim dns.vim dnsmasq.vim docbk.vim docbksgml.vim docbkxml.vim...
Here you can give GeSHi the ultimate test drive: specify everything about how the outputted source should look. Use this demo to gain an idea of the great functionality that GeSHi provides. Source Code Input via a text field: ORvia file upload1: ...
SQL Data Types generally define the type of data that can be stored in a column of a database table. SQL Commands: SQL commands allow users to interact with the data and manipulate it as needed. DDL (Data Definition Language): Defines database schema. CREATE Creates database objects DROP ...
SQL consists of commands and functions that are used to manage databases and database objects. SQL can also forcibly implement the rules for data types, expressions, and texts. Therefore, section "SQL Reference" describes data types, expressions, functions, and operators in addition to SQL syntax...
syn match tcshError contained '\v\S.+' " --- Statements --- {{{1 " Tcsh commands: Any filename / modifiable variable (must be first!) syn match tcshCommands '\v[a-zA-Z0-9\\./_$:-]+' contains=tcshSpecial,tcshUsrVar,tcshArgv,tcshVarError nextgroup=tcshStatementEnd " Builtin...
(hold\|swipe\|pinch\):/ skip=/\\$\|$\n^\s*}$/ end=/$/ contains=swayConfigBindgestureArgument,swayConfigBindgestureCombo,i3ConfigParen keepend extend " Tiling drag threshold " Titlebar commands syn keyword i3ConfigKeyword tiling_drag_threshold titlebar_border_thickness contained skipwhite ...
dcl.vim debchangelog.vim debcontrol.vim debcopyright.vim debsources.vim def.vim denyhosts.vim dep3patch.vim desc.vim desktop.vim dictconf.vim dictdconf.vim diff.vim dircolors.vim dirpager.vim diva.vim django.vim dns.vim dnsmasq.vim docbk.vim docbksgml.vim docbkxml.vim dockerfile.vim dos...