thatlightcandamageoureyesundercertaincircumstances,there?snoscientificevidencesuggestingthatbluelightisharmfultooureyes.But manypeoplestillthinkitis,whichiswhybluelight-blockingglassesaresopopular.Sodothe glasseswork? “Everyoneisveryconcernedthatbluelight maybecausingdamagetotheeye,butthere?sno evidencethatitmaybeca...
One of the fundamental aspects of beginning a learning journey is to start by understanding where you are—your local place and context. The undergraduate students I work with at UBC are from all over the world, have experienced various institutional learning contexts, and have diverse cultural le...
The article will first define cultural competence and its significance for the legal profession. Next, the article will discuss the culture of the legal profession as it is reflected in social science research, popular culture, and scholarly works. Then, the article will examine the culture of ...
Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed during “shopping therapy” Italian hostage liberated, and the melodrama against her begins When propaganda parades as “common sense” Could Italy’s economic policy have contrib...
The debate about who is to blame has become academic because the business has left town. Academic A faculty member or scholar at an institution of higher learning, such as a university. Academic One who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background. Academic Belonging to the school or...
[8] Such lines of inquiry are not, however, the focus of the present article, which is interested in how the canonical Stephen narrative might productively be read in conjunction with insights from cross-cultural psychology and sociology in order to contribute to Christian theological reflection on...
University counsel can no longer defend their willingness to entrust tens of thousands of pages of personal, scholarly, and research communications from Professor Mann and other scientists to two individuals who have regrettably provided far too many reasons to doubt that their words may be trusted....
What is Jihad? A Scholar’s Perspective Contributed by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani Chairman, Islamic Supreme Council of America In this presentation, we would like to shed light on the meaning of Jihād, a term that has become universally known today. One can find countless interpretations ...
But from what I’ve seen and experienced, what excites me is how much energy there has been and continues to be around doing collaborative education research approaches and seeking to center issues of equity and justice. Ten years ago, I was just a scholarly baby with a limited scope on wh...
Of course popular psychology magazines still exist today, most notably Psychology Today, which began publication in 1967, and Scientific American Mind, which started in 2004, a magazine that because of its affiliation with Scientific American, is predictably very scholarly. And you can find these po...