SARA Sexual Assault and Response Awareness program SARA Systems Accounting & Resource Analysis SARA Station Aerostransportable Reconnaissance Aerienne SARA Sprint Automated Rate Analysis SARA System for Anesthetic and Respiratory Analysis Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. Suggest new ...
Stuart’s presentation is focused on understanding social media in the context of your business as a publisher and explores four practical use cases encompassing brand awareness, customer communication, SEO, and traffic to site. Scholarly iQ hopes this presentation will provide a better perspective on...
Kien C, Nußbaumer B, Thaler KJ, Griebler U, Van Noord MG, Wagner P, et al. Barriers to and facilitators of interventions to counter publication bias: thematic analysis of scholarly articles and stakeholder interviews. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014; 14: 551....
personal awareness and attitudes about the need to conserve energy, the perceived actions and opinions of other users (including University authorities) and perceptions of control over the ease and opportunity to reduce energy consumption were perceived by occupants to relate to whether they would inten...
With a pen in one hand and watercolours in the other, graphic journalist Dan Archer embarks on an investigation into human trafficking and how comics can be used to empower survivors and raise awareness of human rights issues. Based on years of research and reporting, the book holds a mirror...
Most contributions are classified as articles. There are two review types, a general review and a systematic review. Other contributions do not focus on empirical studies, but seem to have a more informative and communicative nature. The two letters, for example, raise readers' awareness of ...
Social media has proven to be an effective tool in raising awareness and coordinating actions for social movements. Such online activism is sometimes called "hashtag activism" to refer to the use of the hashtag (#) as a metadata tag. Ametadata tagis a unit of descriptive information added ...
Construction Professionals' Perception on Green Building Awareness and Accruable Benefits in Construction Projects in Nigeria A novel approach to solving waste incidence of materials on building projects is to framework the issues and processes that are involved in its minimization. The objective of the...
There has been an increasing global awareness and discussion about Bitcoin going on around the world. Although BTC has not become the general currency like fiat around the world, it is still visible that the virtual currency is turning a few heads and its buzz is increasing in the financial ...
Further, he felt that his editorial experiences provided him the awareness to constantly refine and improve his ways of giving feedback, especially ways to make his feedback ‘more structured, evidence-based, and objective’ (A1,E2). Despite not reflecting from the perspective of an editor, A2...