Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a shared community resource concept that is rapidly growing in popularity across the country. Community Supported Agriculture consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually...
WHAT IS A CSA SHARE?CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In short it is a subscription to our farm. Members pay in advance for a weekly share of our harvest. CSA is our backbone and without it, our farming style would not be possible. Subscriptions help us cover many of the ...
Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is a way for small farmers to directly market their produce to the community. The community, in turn, directly supports its local farmers by purchasing an annual share of the farm’s products. When you join Tantré Farm CSA, you are joining a farm ...
What is a CSA? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. This is an exciting trend that is reinvigorating many small farms and providing a way for tens of thousands of consumers to get connected with a farm in their neighborhood. Our friend summed it up as an “Adopt-A-Farm” prog...
Transitioning towards 'Climate-smart Agriculture' (CSA) is currently promoted by key international organisations as an obligatory task to ensure food supply for an anticipated 9 billion people by 2050. Despite the rubric's newfound importance, the conceptual underpinnings of CSA are often left unclear...
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a systematic approach to agricultural development. It intends to address climate change and food security challenges simultanRosenstock, ToddLamanna, ChristineArslan, AslihanRichards, MerylSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
There’s a pretty fair chance you’re going to start hearing a lot of references to “climate-smart agriculture” in the next few days (and very likely into the future, even after thestories of arrested protesters die down). It’s a complex term, especially in that it’s very easy to...
Decide on your sales strategy: will you be selling directly to consumers through a farm stand or CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), supplying to local restaurants, or participating in farmers markets? Establish the type, scale, and method for the project. Will it be vertical farming of micro...
‘Climate smart agriculture’ (CSA) is another approach that has recently achieved much prominence, given the adaptation and mitigation challenges facing humanity [1••]. CSA is defined by three objectives: firstly, increasing agricultural productivity to support increased incomes, food security and...
Unlike the strict standards in place for organic farmers, there is no mandate that foods containing GMOs must be labeled as such in the U.S. At the 12th Scientific Conference of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) in 1988, more than 60 countries voted unanimousl...