社区支持农业(Community Supported Agriculture, CSA)为消费者和农民带来了多重益处,让我们一同探讨其优势。首先,从经济角度看,CSA模式消除了中间环节,农民可以直接将新鲜蔬菜销售给消费者,降低了销售成本。这种直接交易使得消费者能够以低于市场价格购买到蔬菜,同时农民的收入也会增加,能更好地支持和...
和深深的感动 CSA的全称Community Supported Agriculture 核心本质就是全社会参与 打造一个生态社会 和我们每一个人都有关 需要我们每一个人去参与、共同去努力 每5个消费者加入 可以改变一亩土地 每10个消费者加入 可以让一位农民从事有...
ecological food products (organic)agriculture supported by communityproducts basketcommunitysubscriptionFarms of CSA types are a viable alternative to trade of agricultural products coming from conventional agriculture. These farms are faced with a number of policy issues related to product, price, ...
社区支持农业(CommunitySupportedAgriculture,CSA)模式是一种由消费 者群体组成的社区与当地(周边)农业生产者直接建立经济合作关系的直供经济 模型或直复营销模型,它的宗旨与循环经济和可持续发展的核心价值相一致:在 其实践、消费和管理中既要保护环境、有益于社区居民的身心健康,还要与城市 ...
Growing produce and raising livestock and poultry is a precarious business. Environmental conditions, disease, financial markets, consumer preferences and a host of other factors all affect what’s available to who and when. In many cases, the money you invest in a CSA can get you some terrific...
社区支持农业(Community Supported Agriculture,简称“CSA”)于20世纪70年代起源于瑞士,并在日本得到最初的发展。1985年以后,社区支持农业才在美国大规模发展起来,被罗宾命名的“CSA”一直沿用至今。CSA泛指把消费者同食物生产更紧密联系的举措(陈卫平,2014;戴君玲,2010)。一般来说,消费者提前支付一定期限(通常为一年)...
Click here for the sign up pagefor our NEW FLEXIBLE CSA PROGRAM! CSA – GENERAL INFORMATION We at Axdahl’s would like to invite you to join our family. Being a part of our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program will provide you with many benefits including those listed below: ...
remaining influential at home and abroad. The conference is under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Through the conference, the CSA network has promoted many CSA models, such as eco-farming, organic...
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a way to connect the consumer directly to the farmer who grows their food. Members purchase a share in the farm in exchange for weekly or bi-weekly boxes of produce. But it’s much more than just that. It is an opportunity to suppor...
this“original”denitionofCommunitySupported Agriculture.However,theCSA concepthasalso evolved into one of a number of marketing channels that can be used to sell a farm’s produce. Many farms Agriculture & Natural Resources • Family & Consumer Sciences • 4-H/Youth Development • Community ...