Note: This episode originally aired in January 2022. The Standard American Diet (or SAD) is one that’s typically high in unhealthy carbs, sugars, and fats while also deficient in many important micronutrients. Discover healthy alternatives to the SAD, along with some strategies for making hea...
Please allow permissions on your browser");break;case e.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE:alert("Location information is unavailable.");break;case e.TIMEOUT:alert("The request to get user location timed out.");break;case e.UNKNOWN_ERROR:alert("An unknown error occurred.")}}document.querySelectorA...
It is actually easier to define which carbohydrates are NOT refined, because the term "refined" is very confusing. ALL sugars and starches, EXCEPT those that come in the form of a natural whole food like a piece of fruit, a Lima bean, or a sweet potato, are considered refined carbohydrate...
Jams, jellies, tomato sauce, syrup, molasses and honey are all considered bad carbs because they include additional sugar or are naturally high in sugar. People who consume them in moderation may not suffer much harm from them. However, in the long run, it may cause several health problems....
than their “simple” counterparts. One serving of carbohydrate is15 grams, but regardless of what source it comes from, so you want to make the most of the carbs you are eating by choosing nutrient-dense choices. Here are the different types of carbohydrates to help demystify this food ...
As a fur parent, it is essential that what youfeed your sick dogwill not worsen their condition or cause tummy upset. If you have second thoughts about the food you can prepare, you are in the right place. Here is a list of easy-to-digest, high-nutrient foods you can give your dog...
carbs than plain yogurt.1That difference doesn't take into consideration added fruit, flavoring, or sugars. Sticking to the lower-carb yogurt and keeping toppings to a minimum will allow you to build a snack that has between 10 and 15 grams of carbohydrates, which is ideal if you have ...
Overall,oatmealis a healthy breakfast choice. To reduce your added sugar intake, choose plain oatmeal and sweeten your bowl with fresh fruit, cinnamon, and nuts. Whole-Wheat Bread Carbohydrates are a breakfast mainstay. The type of carbs you choose can make a big difference in the overall hea...
“You may be tempted to go for whole grain, high fiber options when it comes to carbs, but gentle is best when your tummy is uneasy," Stamm says. Because white rice is low in fiber, it’s easier to digest, and bland enough to soothe an upset stomach. Kseniya Ovchinnikova//Getty Ima...
When made with grass-fed meat, tallow, and other fresh ingredients, yes! Because pemmican has high concentrations of lean meat and fat, it is considered a high-calorie, high-protein, and high-fat snack. When it isn’t combined with fruit, pemmican is essentially no-carb. ...