When I asked her what was a source of inspiration, she said ” Most definitely, my Mom’s gardens.” Alexis’ mother is a landscape designer, so she is surrounded by beauty and bounty. When I asked her about her perspective on food, she said” It is so important to use all of the...
Excerpt from Wikipedia: “The black salsify is considerednutritious: it containsproteins,fats,asparagine,choline,laevulin, as well as minerals such aspotassium,calcium,phosphorus,iron,sodium, andvitaminsA, B1, E and C. Since it also contains theglycosideinulin, which mainly consists offructose, it ...
In humans, an arterial blood pH level anywhere between 7.35 and 7.45 is considered normal. That number is just slightly above neutral on the pH, or potential hydrogen, scale. The scale goes from 0 to 14 and measures whether a solution is acid or alkaline. Neutral is 7, which indicates th...