Higher altitudes are dryer climates (lower boiling point for water) and will require a higher ratio of water to the dry ingredients. My recipe worked for me at both sea level in North Carolina and at 3,000 ft here in Montana . . . however I have to use a slightly higher water-to-...
I have found a really good white rice flour that I’ve used instead of the brown rice flour in the brown rice flour mix. The reason is that for the cost of the Authentic brown rice flour I can get about 10 times as much of the white rice flour. Should I be able to compensate for...
Why does food cook slowly at higher altitudes but in a pressure cooker it cooks fast? Explain why the temperature gradually drops as a mixture is in the process of freezing. Explain why A is aromatic but B is not aromatic. Explain why the water boils when it was cooled with ice. Briefly...
replicates in four localities with different altitudes and different climates (Prague – Suchdol, Prˇerov n. L., Valecˇov, Stachy). In the experiment eight cultivars with purple and red coloured flesh were evaluated, whose seed was obtained both in the Czech Republic (Bank of Genetic So...