Why specifically is it cake? Made me curious, so I went on the hunt for the origins of the birthday cake. Cake Goes Waaay Back Celebrations of birth began in ancient Egypt, but in a different way than we do today. When a pharaoh was crowned, it was considered the “birth day” of...
Excerpt from Wikipedia: “The black salsify is considerednutritious: it containsproteins,fats,asparagine,choline,laevulin, as well as minerals such aspotassium,calcium,phosphorus,iron,sodium, andvitaminsA, B1, E and C. Since it also contains theglycosideinulin, which mainly consists offructose, it ...
scale. The scale goes from 0 to 14 and measures whether a solution is acid or alkaline. Neutral is 7, which indicates that a substance is an equal mix of acids and bases. A substance with a pH value from 0 to 7 is acidic; anything with a score above 7 to 14 is considered a base...