Malaria has inflicted serious morbidity and mortality across the globe. The major brunt of the disease has been on African, South-East Asian and South American countries. Proportionally, malaria has attracted global research priorities and this is eviden
Lamin A has a role in the compartmentalization of telomeres in the nucleus, and loss of lamin A results in telomere shortening and affects the epigenetic status of constitutive heterochromatin. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Scaffidi, P. & Misteli, T. Reversal of the ...
Furthermore, compartmentalization and gradients result in its quantitation only as an average. The sources of extracellular H 2 O 2 , particularly in plasma, will also be described briefly. The major question addressed here however, is the actual concentration of H 2 O 2 in plasma, which has...
Only in a few cases has it been demonstrated that a plant hormone is synthesized in the same cells where its function is required, and these may not require intercellular transport mechanisms. A well-documented example regards ABA. Guard cells are able to synthesize ABA autonomously upon drought,...
andInstituteofBiochemistryII,GoetheUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Theodor-Stern-Kai7, D-60590Frankfurt(Main),Germany * DOI10.1016/j.cell.***.**.*** Ubiquitinsignalsandubiquitin-bindingdomainsareimplicatedinalmosteverycellularprocess,but howistheirfunctionalityachievedincells?
The purpose of this review is to identify the interpretive limits of cellular biochemistry using, largely, the tools of physical chemistry. We illustrate this approach using two major concepts in cancer: carcinogenicity and cancer recurrences. Cells optimize the chemical performance of enzymes and ...
Especially in the decorative field, where the lack of sustainability is also related to a compartmentalization of entities involved (e.g., artistic direction, metalworking company and electroplating facility), the geometry of artifacts and goods is not designed to minimize the thickness dispersion, ...
2019) suggest that signal compartmentalization from specific membrane regions might explain how the conduction of such a ubiquitous ion such as Ca2+ could trigger very specific mechanosensitive responses. All regulatory modes described above (CSK, ECM, lipid rafts, protein-protein interactions, and ...
For instance, the over-expression of the ISC operon from Azetobacter vinelandii is a common approach used by biochemistry groups to ensure functional expression of foreign FeS enzymes [16,47,49]. Yet, using the A. vinelandii pathway is not sufficient to deliver FeS clusters to all FeS. ...