Plain text refers to unformatted text that consists of characters without any special formatting, such as bold, italics, or font colors. It is the simplest form of digital text representation. Why is plain text important in computing? Plain text is essential in computing because it is the basis...
In cryptography, ciphertext feedback (CFB), also known as cipher feedback, is a mode of operation for a block cipher. Ciphertext refers to encrypted text transferred fromplaintextusing an encryption algorithm, or cipher. A block cipher is a method of encrypting data in blocks to produce ciph...
a cipher is a method used in cryptography for performing encryption or decryption. essentially, it's a set of algorithms that you apply to your data (plaintext) to transform it into an unrecognizable form (ciphertext). this process helps to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access....
In asymmetric encryption, a public key is used to encrypt a message and a private key is used to decrypt it. The exact technique used to scramble plaintext into ciphertext defines how cryptography works. Symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, blockchain, and digital signatures are some promi...
Also known asSecret Key Cryptography, private key encryption is where the same key is used by both the sender and the recipient, ensuring secure communication. In this mechanism, the shared key is used to encode the plaintext into ciphertext during transmission. This ciphertext can only be dec...
cipher.A substitution cipher works by replacing each element of the plaintext (e.g., a letter or bit) with another element according to a specific system. The simplest form of this is theCaesar Cipher, where each letter in the message is shifted by a fixed number of positions in the ...
depend on traditional keys used directly to key ciphertext or on elliptical curve cryptography (ECC). When ECC is used with a 160-bit key, it can provide the security of a traditional cipher, like that used in theRSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem using a key of 1,024 bits in ...
An encryption technique is used by ciphers to convert plaintext, which is a legible communication, into ciphertext, which seems to be a random string of letters. In order to encrypt or decode bits in a stream, cyphers are sometimes called stream ciphers. Alternately, they can use block ciphe...
The most basic form of encryption is symbol replacement which replaced one character for another. The downside to this technique is that it is easy to brute force as there are only a set number of changes so we can perform an analysis of the frequency of each letter in the ciphertext and...
Encryption key.An encryption key is a piece of information, often a string of characters, used by the algorithm to perform the encryption process. The key ensures that the ciphertext can only be decrypted by someone who has the corresponding decryption key. The strength of the encryption largely...