In subject area:Computer Science Ciphertext is an encrypted message that is created from a plaintext message using encryption techniques. AI generated definition based on:CISSP Study Guide,2010 Add to Mendeley Also in subject areas: Engineering ...
In our access control model, we leverage the LSSS as the flexible access structure for each data. Next we will introduce the definition of LSSS. Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (LSSS): Let p be a prime and U be a attribute set. For each monotone access structure over U, there can be fou...
Definition 1. Discrete Logarithm problem (DLP). Given an equation 𝑌=𝑎𝑃, where 𝑌,𝑃∈𝐺1 and 𝑎<𝑞. If a and P are given, it is easy to calculate Y. However, if P and Y are given, it will be difficult to calculate a. Definition 2. Decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellm...
Definition 1 (informal).Π is IND − QCCA 1 if no quantum polynomial-time algorithm ( QPT ) A can succeed at the following experiment with probability better than 1 / 2 + negl ( n ) . 1. a key k ← KeyGen ( 1 n ) and a uniformly random bit b ← $ { 0 , 1 } are ...
Definition 1. (The Decisional q-Parallel Bilinear Diffie–Hellman Exponent problem): Choose a group G of prime order p according to the security parameter. Let a , s , b 1 , … , b q ϵ Z q be chosen at random and g be a generator of G . If an adversary is given, y = ...
Definition 1. Let 𝔾 be a cyclic group and G is a generator of 𝔾. Given elements G, 𝑎𝐺, 𝑏𝐺 and Z, where 𝑎,𝑏∈𝔾 and Z may be equal to 𝑎𝑏𝐺 or a random value in 𝔾. The output is a judgment for 𝑍=𝑎𝑏𝐺. The advantage of an algorithm ...
3.4. CP-ABE Definition An encryption scheme based on a ciphertext-policy attribute consists of four sub basic algorithms: setup, encryption, keygen, and decryption. CP-ABE-Setup (1𝜆λ): It produces a public key (PK) and a master secret key (MSK) for the given security parameter 𝜆λ...
Definition 1 (informal).Π is IND − QCCA 1 𝖨𝖭𝖣−𝖰𝖢𝖢𝖠𝟣 if no quantum polynomial-time algorithm ( QPT 𝖰𝖯𝖳) A can succeed at the following experiment with probability better than 1 / 2 + negl ( n ) . 1. a key k ← KeyGen ( 1 n ) and a unif...
3.4. CP-ABE Definition An encryption scheme based on a ciphertext-policy attribute consists of four sub basic algorithms: setup, encryption, keygen, and decryption. CP-ABE-Setup (1𝜆λ): It produces a public key (PK) and a master secret key (MSK) for the given security parameter 𝜆λ...
Definition 1. (The Decisional q-Parallel Bilinear Diffie–Hellman Exponent problem): Choose a group G of prime order p according to the security parameter. Let a , s , b 1 , … , b q ϵ Z q be chosen at random and g be a generator of G . If an adversary is given, y = ...