Power BI Desktop is no longer supported on Windows 7. Power BI Desktop is supported on Windows 8 or newer versions of Windows, for the most recent release of Power BI Desktop only. The following updates are new to Power BI Desktop this month: General Upgrade Power BI Desktop to 64-bit ...
What is Power BI? What is Power BI Desktop? What is the Power BI service? Comparing Power BI Desktop and the service Comparing Fabric and the Power BI service Tutorials Get started with Power BI Desktop Sign up or purchase a license for Power BI ...
The M language is the data transformation language of Power Query. Anything that happens in the query is ultimately written in M. If you want to do advanced transformations using the Power Query engine, you can use the advanced editor to access the script of the query and modify it as you...
The new Power BItemplate appsenable Power BI partners to build Power BI apps with little or no coding, and deploy them to any Power BI customer. This article is an overview of the Power BI template app program. As a Power BI partner, you create a set of out-of-the-box content for ...
What-If パラメータを使用すると、異なるシナリオが発生した場合に履歴データを参照して可能性のある結果を分析できるので、Power BI のセマンティック モデルとレポートに強力な機能が追加されます。 さらに、What-If パラメーターを使用すると、将来発生する可能性のあることを予想または予...
The new functions count_distinct and count_distinctif calculate exact distinct counts. December 2023 Create a Notebook with pre-configured connection to your KQL DB You can now just create a new Notebook from KQL DB editor with a preconfigured connection to your KQL DB and explore the data ...
在DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) 中的 Power BI 中,计算比率并反转此比率是通过使用一些 DAX 函数和表达式来实现的。 首先,我们需要计算比率,可以使用除法运算符 '/' 来计算两个值的比率。例如,如果我们想计算销售额和利润的比率,可以使用以下 DAX 表达式: ...
But you don’t just write expressions in Excel, you write formulas or recipes for how to calculate a specific cell’s value. A1 = B2 * 2 is a formula that defines the value of A1 at all times and is recalculated automatically as B2 changes. Power Fx follows this same formula pattern...
(KNN):Also known as the KNN algorithm,K-nearest neighboris a nonparametric algorithm that classifies data points based on their proximity and association to other available data. This algorithm assumes that similar data points are found near each other. As a result, it seeks to calculate the ...
BI最近的更新,给出新的开展盈亏平衡分析的方法。 (1)用Excel制作盈亏平衡分析模型 (2)用友金蝶ERP BI中的盈亏分析模型, (3)Crystal Xcelsius制作的盈亏平衡分析模型 (4)Power BI 的新建参数功能 现在,又有了新的工具,那就是PivotModel老师带大家使用”新建参数“模拟功能,来创建 ”量本利“分析,寻找保本点。