以下情况需要使用CALCULATETABLE:对模型中的列应用筛选器,或者需要使用CALCULATETABLE的其他功能,比如上下文转换和调节器函数。 参考资料: [1] DAX权威指南(第二版)(https://www.powerbigeek.com/definitive-guide-to-dax-cn/) [2] 理解 CALCULATETABLE(https://www.powerbigeek.com/understanding-calculatetable-funct...
<filter1>, <filter2>, ..., <filterN> ) CALCULATETABLE ( , <filter...
Power BI DAX Calculating Year-to-Date figure DAX has provided many timing intelligence functions, among which people use the DATESYTD function quite frequently. So today, we can discuss how we calculate th…阅读全文 赞同 添加评论 分享收藏 DAX 关于月初至今(MONTH-TO-DATE)的...
假设你最终计算的是所有 TV 产品销售记录的最近日期,你需要将 CALCULATETABLE 得到的结果用做筛选器参数,或使用迭代函数进行取值,公式写法: 请关注“PowerBI极客”公众号,回复关键字“CT”,获取验证码。【注】手机扫描二维码快速关注“PowerBI极客”官方公众号。 CALCULATETABLE vs FILTER CALCULATETABLE 和FILTER都可以对...
I am struggling to add a filter to this DAX CALCULATETABLE/SUMMARIZE code in POWER BI. Unfortunately, I get the following error: Function SUMMARIZE expects a column name as argument number 6 I have tried different filters with no luck as I keep getting the same error. StudentAbsenceXXXX = ...
Perform powerful data analysis with DAX for Power BI,SQL Server, and Excel · Master core DAX concepts, including calculated columns, measures, and calculation groups · Work efficiently with basic and advanced table functions · Understand evaluation contexts and the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functio...
函数KeepFilters 的作用是保持过滤器,用于计算函数(CALCULATE 和 CALCULATETABLE)中。默认情况下,计算函数的过滤器参数(filter argument)会对过滤表数据,当在相同的字段上设置过滤器参数(filter argument)时,该参数会替换已经存在的过滤器;当相同的字段上没有过滤器参数(filter argument)时,已经存在的过滤器不受影响。函...
CALCULATE 和 CALCULATETABLE 是 DAX 中惟二可以修改筛选上下文的函数。实际上,CALCULATE 创建了一个新的筛选上下文,然后在新的上下文中计值表达式。因为新上下文的源自现有上下文,所以我们可以说它修改了计值上下文。
We have made it easier to write filters for theCALCULATEandCALCULATETABLEfunctions. You can now use aggregation functions in the filters when they are used in Boolean (True/False) expressions. Please note that the newly supported syntaxes improve the readability of the DAX expressions but don’t...
We have made it easier to write filters for theCALCULATEandCALCULATETABLEfunctions. You can now use aggregation functions in the filters when they are used in Boolean (True/False) expressions. Please note that the newly supported syntaxes improve the readability of the DAX expressions but don’t...