Here I found keen-flashing intellects and brilliant wits; for here I met strong and alert-brained, withal horny-handed, members of the working class; unfrocked preachers too wide in their Christianity for any congregation of Mammon-worshipers; professors broken on the wheel of university sub...
Saturday, The “In-Between” Day A friend of mine, Jo Anne Young, coined that phrase in a post she wrote just hours ago, describing the day between the horrors of what Christians call Good Friday and the gloriousness of Sunday, the day Jesus conquered death, by His resurrection from th...
Christianity / Theology / Christian Terms / What Is Fornication? Why Is It a Biblical Sin?How Do We Share and Defend the Gospel with Relevance for Today with Dr. Sean McDowellWe are bringing on one of the foremost leading Christian apologists in the world to help educate, equip, and ...
Here I found keen-flashing intellects and brilliant wits; for here I met strong and alert-brained, withal horny-handed, members of the working class; unfrocked preachers too wide in their Christianity for any congregation of Mammon-worshipers; professors broken on the wheel of university sub... Editorial Staff Morning Prayers to Start Your Day with God When is Lent in 2025? A Complete Guide to It's Start, End, and Key Dates Editorial Staff Do We Have to Close Our Eyes When We Pray? Britt Mooney ...
Brother L: It demonstrates that there is no room for traditional Christianity. The perspectives, ways, and focus of traditional Christianity on public topics have broken away from public views. We live in a world filled with entertainment, secularism, and hope, but traditional Christianity advocates...
documents and healthcare policies have mentioned spirituality as a permanent dimension of primary care. Each of these formulations has legitimized, in different levels, the idea “spirituality is health”. Is this process also a new way to institutionalize the relationship between state and religion...
(Law) The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law We seek justice in this matter from the court. Charity Often Charity(Christianity) The theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself ...
In situations of dire poverty, women had very few options. A woman could avoid prostitution and homelessness by choosing to sell herself to one man as his concubine. A Hebrew Girl Sold by Her Father Although a rare practice, it was considered a parental right to sell one’s chi...
A10- Rape is a big crime that could actually take the woman's or the victim's life away. Let us examine how Christianity deals with the rapist: (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 22:28)" Although this Verse from the Bible only talks about virgins, but its the only verse in the entire...