Here I found keen-flashing intellects and brilliant wits; for here I met strong and alert-brained, withal horny-handed, members of the working class; unfrocked preachers too wide in their Christianity for any congregation of Mammon-worshipers; professors broken on the wheel of university sub...
When we come to the term Christian Nationalism, we understand that one can be both a Nationalist and a Christian if these two identity markers are distinct in a hierarchy. Christianity would be a natural good of societies and nations. And, in a nation that is rightly ordered, the principles...
Fornication is, both spiritually and intrinsically, a different sort of interaction from the marital act. That’s why the consequences are so dire. Editorial Staff UpdatedAug 11, 2023 SHARE "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but...
Here I found keen-flashing intellects and brilliant wits; for here I met strong and alert-brained, withal horny-handed, members of the working class; unfrocked preachers too wide in their Christianity for any congregation of Mammon-worshipers; professors broken on the wheel of university sub...
Therefore, righteousness is a wonderful gift from God to humanity through His love: it is the God-given quality imputed to man upon believing in the Son of God. Philip Wijaya Contributing Writer Updated Oct 09, 2023 SHARE As we live in a world where people tend to ...
Could you be a “sin-carrier”? #Christianity #sin #contagioussins #biblereadingplan #soulsurvival Click To Tweet Today’s Other Readings: Psalm 25.16-22: Psalms & Prayers I hope as we’re reading through the Psalms you’re coming to realize how real the psalmists were with God in their...
Since the 1980s, we can identify a progressive and pluralistic recognition of spirituality as a health issue. In this period, medical scientists have engaged in that theme, global government agencies as the World Health Organization included the thematic
If N.T.Wright is right - Christianity offers no answers about the coronavirus and it’s not supposed to - then what can it offer people under the pandemic? Three church workers offer their different sides on this question.
Anyway, this moment of breaking bread and drinking wine that Jesus first shared with His disciples is what’s known in Christianity as the Lord’s Supper, or Communion, or the Eucharist among other names. Jesus’ disciples still commemorate His death this way. Now, Catholic Christians believe ... UpdatedSep 25, 2023 SHARE "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world."(1 John 2:16) What Is Lust? The dictionary definition of lust is "1. intense or unrestrained...