John Liddell on I Asked the Lord that I Might… Zhixin Lu on I Asked the Lord that I Might… 英国广播公司 BBC 的每周赞美之歌(S… on Sing of the Lord’s goodn… 英国广播公司 BBC 的每周赞美之歌(S… on O Worship the King 榮耀大君王 … 英国广播公司 BBC 的每周赞美之歌(S… on O ...
Reframing our thoughts and focusing on God’s truth, we can view our decisions and circumstances with renewed hope and clarity.The Testimony in RecoveryFor Christians, trauma is not the end of the story. It’s often in our brokenness that God’s strength shines brightest. Many biblical ... is a leading website for faith-based content featuring comprehensive Christian news coverage, free sermons on faith, devotionals for all ages, enriching books, inspiring blogs, easily shareable videos, edifying podcasts, and more! Grow daily
The Summa Theologiae on the necessity of Confession (composed by a colleague of St. Thomas, based on another of his works) The Council of Trent on the Sacrament of Confession (Session 14), and the Roman Catechism (from Trent) on the Sacrament of Confession (promulgated by Pope St. Pius V...
Quotes People say "if its not broken don"t fix it." I say "If its not broken you're not looking hard enough." Nickname ZZ James Related news CATnip: Jake Busey, Charlotte Kirk take on feral killer cats in horror comedy Jan Video Interview: Jonah Ray Rodrigues, Alex Winte...
3.The Broken Way, Ann Voskamp InThe Broken Way, Ann Voskamp delves into the paradox of brokenness and wholeness, revealing how vulnerability can lead to deeper connections with God and others. Through poignant reflections and spiritual insights, she invites readers to embrace their brokenness as ... #31 of a Series on Psalm 50 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. There’s a vibrant bibli...
I know I do. Guess what, we’re in good company. Throughout scripture, God used the lowly, overlooked, insignificant things and people to accomplish history changing events. He uses brokenness to create masterful mosaics. He uses our messes to deliver his message. God uses our weaknesses to...
Juana Mikels writes from her heart in her book Choosing Him All Over Again: A Story of Romance and Redemption as she exposes her journey of marriage brokenness and reconciliation, giving readers hope for their future and the motivation to embrace true intimacy with God. This story is captivati...
- Soulful Quotes One of the biggest surprises of life is realizing old people are just young people that have spent more time on earth. - d'lyles The Bible is real. Jesus is real. Heaven is real. God's love is real. Amen A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man ...