Every reductionist has his favorite analogy from modern science. It is most unlikely that any of these unrelated examples of successful reduction will shed light on the relation of mind to brain. But philosophers share the general human weakness for explanations of what is incomprehensible in terms ...
Media psychology is the response to this dilemma. It is a relatively new field and hard to define. [See “Media Psychology: Why You Should Care (Part 1).”] Media psychology seeks to understand the interaction among individuals, groups, society, and technology and make sense out of it so ...
The hypothesis that intelligence is an adaptation to deal with the complexity of living in semi-permanent groups of conspecifics, a situation that involves the potentially tricky balance of competition and cooperation with the same individuals, has been influential in recent theorizing about human mental...
stimulus.47 Thus for these mice the stimulus is treated as even more salient or 1Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK; 2Department of Psychology, Durham University, Durham, UK and 3Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. ...
Herein, theory is 'a scientific proposition — described by a collection of natural-language sentences, mathematics, logic, and figures — that introduces causal relations with the Computational Brain & Behavior (2024) 7:508–522 511 Fig. 1 A diagrammatic depiction of theories, θ (in black),...
We do not know how to create such AI yet, but we are moving in this direction. The definition of such AI is closely related to what in psychology is called the "theory of mind" self-understanding of other people. For example, understanding that they may have goals, intentions, emotions,...
Speech perception plays a key role in many fields of human development and social life but is often impaired by ambiguities on various levels of processing
It stopped them from zeroing in on their own isolated attempts to improve. Finally, they used an analogy that moved them away: “Jump as if the ground is suddenly hot and you have to get off it as quick as possible.” Past research has shown that giving a coaching directive t...
After all it turns around a basic premise in much of the psychology used in HCI. This holds that the external world needs to be represented in some kind of internal form or 'qualia' in the human mind and good design ensures that there is a fit between this in- ternal model and the ...
But this claim rests on two assumptions: one is that we will be able to find reliable matches between brain anomaly and psychological dysfunction. The second is that dysfunction at the mental level carries over to dysfunction in the physical realizer. The computer analogy has frequently been invo...