In this review essay, we give a detailed synopsis of the twelve contributions which are collected in a Special Issue in Frontiers Ecology and Evolution, based on the research topic "Current Thoughts on the Brain-Computer Analogy—All Metaphors Are Wrong, But Some Are Useful." The synopsis is ...
I argue that the relation between brain and computer should be understood as one of analogy, and consider the implications of this interpretation for notions of multiple realisation. I suggest some limitations of our understanding of the brain and cognition that may stem from the radical abstraction...
We can take, as an analogy, the clarity of an image. A picture with a higher spatial resolution is “clearer”; in other words, it looks more precise because it is composed of more pixels per inch, showing more details. A picture with lower spatial resolution appears less clear, or more...
The analogy to paediatric growth charts is not meant to imply that brain charts are immediately suitable for benchmarking or quantitative diagnosis of individual patients in clinical practice. Even for traditional anthropometric growth charts (height, weight and BMI), there are still important caveats ...
2, the computer analogy is helpful in bringing out the fact that the level of the physical need not inherit the ascriptions of dysfunction from the level of the mental just because the mental is realized by the physical. Graham argues that this leaves open the possibility of a healthy brain...
The conditional analogy GAN: swapping fashion articles on people images. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2017 (IEEE, 2018); Chen, Xi. et al. InfoGAN: interpretable representation learning by information maximizing ...
The analogy does not end here. During neural back-propagation — that is when the action potential travels from the cell body back into the dendritic tree — the signal cannot backpropagate into the dendritic branch where the dendritic spike originated because these are “deactivated” due to the...
does not tell us anything about the computer’s intelligence or ability. We could easily move the location of the chip.”If the movement of the chip does not affect the intelligence of the computer, that means it does not matter where it is located. By this analogy, he explains the human...
2, the computer analogy is helpful in bringing out the fact that the level of the physical need not inherit the ascriptions of dysfunction from the level of the mental just because the mental is realized by the physical. Graham argues that this leaves open the possibility of a healthy brain...
(Fig.4b). We can take the structure of DNA as an analogy. This complex structure is created from only four bases of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. If a species has a high number of regions with different INT, their degree of possible interaction through inter-regional functional ...