Bennett Browning has spent his life planning for success, but nothing prepares him for fatherhood—especially when he learns of his daughter’s existence only after his ex’s tragic passing. A politician on the rise, Bennett’s carefully curated life is thrown into chaos as he struggles to car...
Parents become convinced that without the ability to make a significant amount of money, their children have little chance of a happy future. This, therefore, is the first priority of the success trap:wealth. Okay, what else? “I hope they marry someone who looks pretty good...
It’s an ideal to aim for, not an achievement that can be easily grasped—which means that recognizing that you sometimes fall short of biblical fatherhood is an important part of working your way toward it. Beyond these general exhortations, there is much we can learn about godly fatherhood...
The English language, before our politically correct manglers got hold of it, expressed this biblical reality wonderfully. The wordmanmeant an adult male, on the one hand, and the same wordmanmeant all of humanity considered together, men and women, boys and girls. Man meant mankind. And th...
With 50 days of devotions, you'll receive biblical truth and encouragement, rediscover God's wisdom, and be reassured this season doesn't define your story. Get your copy today with your gift to keep our gospel-focused, family-building content available on air and online. ...
Review: Darren Aronofsky's 'Noah' Is a Biblical Mess, But That's What Makes It Worth Talking About
Joe’s talk on fatherhood blew me out of the water. Very powerful. Best part of the weekend for me. Joe is a great speaker and made me feel that my husband and I aren’t the only ones with problems and it’s never too later to turn things around for the better. There is always...
(John 5:24)when the repentant sinner, as enabled by the Holy Spirit, with faith accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Genuine regeneration is manifested by fruits worthy of repentance and confirmed by Biblical attitudes toward life and conduct. Good works done by believers in...
it’s that God does not play favourites with his children. There is enough shameful wreckage in each and every human grouping of Christians to keep us humble, and enough goodness and grace to rightly celebrate. We do well to keep this in mind even as we hold our Biblical, theological, an...
The 38-year-old actor opened up about his impending fatherhood at the premiere of stepmom Catherine Zeta-Jones' new film, 'Cocaine Godmother: The Griselda Blanco Story,' which premieres Jan. 20 on Lifetime. ET Now Live ET Now ET Now: Keep Watching ...