Let’s look at the context of each of these passages, starting with Jesus’ usage ofAbbain the Garden of Gethsemani. Abbameans more… Jesus usesAbbain prayer. Catch this: he uses italong with the regular Greek word for father,“pater.” That is, he says, “Abba, Father.” So, someth...
It is on this fact that the typical interpretation off its history depends — an interpretation sanctioned directly by the example of Paul (Ga 4:21-31; Heb 7:1-17), indirectly supported by other passages of Scripture (Mt 24:37-39; Lu 17:28-32; Ro 9:10-13, etc.), and ...
Ohio. As a station on the Underground Railroad, this home was easily seen from the opposite side of the river in the slave state of Kentucky. Runaways waited for a boat to take them across the river.