What is hedonistic egoism? What is moksha in Buddhism? What is God in stoicism? What is stoicism? Why was asceticism attractive to Siddhartha? What is atman in Buddhism? What are the Buddhist Sutras? What is divine providence in stoicism?
What is Theravada Buddhism? What are some of the qualities that Confucius valued? Why was asceticism attractive to Siddhartha? What was Siddhartha Gautama looking for? Why is asceticism so important in Jainism? How important is the minister in Daoism?
WHAT,IF ANYTHING,IS MAHAYANABUDDHISM?* PROBLEMSOF DEFINITIONSAND CLASSIFICATIONS JONATHAN A. SILK Summary This study investigates some problems regardingthe definition of Mahayana Buddhism.Tracingthe historyof the notionin modem scholarship,it pays particular attentionto the questionof the relationbetween ...
Buddhist beliefs are based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, who lived in the 5th century CE. Buddhism, like Hinduism, originated in India, and believes in the ideas of karma and reincarnation. The goal of Buddhism is to achieve freedom from the cycle of life, death, and...
“Though it be dark” has a different meaning than “even when it is not shining.” If you are underground at noon, the sun is shining, but you are in the dark. The sentence about God is the second line, and not the third. I had been pretty confident that this would be the case...
They believe if one wants to get some achievements in his life and immortalize after death, he must live with asceticism in his whole , life. In addition, he shouldn t only care for himself ; when there is someone who needs help, he should give him a hand without hesitation. Meanwhile,...
In Buddhism, Krishna is often associated with Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, a bodhisattva who embodies compassion and understanding. Buddhist monks sometimes chant mantras dedicated to him while meditating or performing religious ceremonies. In Jainism too, Krishna plays an important role as a teacher wh...
the other being the search for happiness through self-mortification in different forms of asceticism, 另一个极端是经由各种 自虐的苦行以寻求快乐, which is 'painful, unworthy and unprofitable'. 这是「痛苦、无价质而无益的」。 Having himself first tried these two extremes, ...
“the ones who sleep in the mountains”), became famous for their mystic powers and their extreme asceticism – one route to enlightenment consisted of living in caves off a diet of nuts and wild garlic. Though once fairly widespread, the sect dwindled after the mid-nineteenth century, when...
Presenting the life stories of several enlightened masters including Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, and others, The Great Kagyu Masters is part biography, part religious history, and part insight into principles and teachings of this dynamic path of Tibetan Buddhism. The Great Kagyu Mas...