Define ascetic What is the relation between Puritan calling and asceticism? Why does Nietzsche not like asceticism? What is dogma in stoicism? What is egoistic hedonism? What is hedonistic egoism? What is moksha in Buddhism? What is God in stoicism?
A title given to the founder of Buddhism, Siddartha Gautama (c.563–c.483 BC). Born a prince in what is now Nepal, he renounced wealth and family to become an ascetic, and after achieving enlightenment while meditating, taught all who came to learn from him. Buddhi (Hinduism) A transper...
that many people have been misled into regarding Buddhism as pessimistic. 才使得许多人发生错觉,以为佛教是悲观的。 First of all, Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor optimistic. 先说,佛教是既非悲观的,也非乐观的。 If anything at all, it is realistic, 如果一定要说它怎么样, 毋宁说它是「实观」的。
Filianism is not an earth religion or a lunar religion. In Filianism the Mother is clearly Solar, while the Daughter is Lunar. Respect and gratitude toward the earth and its beauty is fundamental to Filianism and enshrined in its Scripture, but the earth as such is not regarded as a deit...
Therefore,the need for the definitionand classificationof Mahayana Buddhismis obvious. But how we should approachsuch definition and classificationis somewhatless plain. For it is basically truethat in orderto definean objectone musthave some fundamentalsense of whatit is. I cannotknowthatmy ...
Originally an ascetic tradition, Hatha yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. With origins that can be traced back as far as the Sanskrit epics (Hinduism) and the Pali canon (Buddhism), the tradition emerged on the borders of India and Nepal. ...
The shrine is located near the summit of Mount Kongo, which traverses the border between Osaka and Nara prefectures. Currently, it enshrines 38 shrines of Kuzugi, the guardian deity of Mt. Mt. Kongo has long been considered a sacred mountain of "Shintoism-Buddhism mixture" that combines and...
Who is first Buddha? Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism who later became known as “the Buddha,” lived during the 5th century B.C. Gautama was born into a wealthy family as a prince in present-day Nepal. Although he had an easy life, Gautama was moved by suffering in the wor...
Define ascetic What is idealism in philosophy? What is continental philosophy? Describe humanism Define fakir What is futurism political theory? What is constructivist epistemology? What is classical utilitarianism? Who were the Sophists? What is Dvaita Vedanta? What is Theravada Buddhism? What does ne...
Earlier in the sutta, the Buddha clarifies that the views of some Brahmins and ascetics who hold views that the self is ‘partly eternalists, partly not-eternalists’ which as we know is contradicted by the Buddhist doctrine of Anatta. He wa...