Archibald MacLeish's "Ars Poetica" is a poem about what poetry ought to be. Published in 1928, it is one of MacLeish's earliest poems. The experimental approach that MacLeish took in its creation reflects the influence of modern writers....
"What is an ars poetica?": "What is a motif?": "What is a protagonist?": "What is literature?": "What is a foil?": 展开...
What is a prose poem? What is the Daffodils poem about? What is the theme of the poem Ars Poetica? What is Keats' Hyperion about? What is the context of a poem? What is The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock about? How many stanzas are in a ballad?
There is a dilemma at the heart of the study of the Roman fish sauce trade. The meaning of the Greek and Latin words used to name the fish sauces is still
What is the rhyming scheme of "Fire and Ice"? Rhyme: Rhyme can be defined as the use of words that have similar sounds in order to create a rhythm and a melody in a text. While words that rhyme are usually at the end of the lines in a poem, they can also be in the middle of...
What is the theme of Shakespeare's Sonnet 55? What is the theme of Shakespeare's sonnet 116? What rhyme scheme is used in Shakespeare's sonnet 18? What poet wrote Sonnet 43? What kind of poetry did Walt Whitman write? What type of poem is Ars Poetica? What is the mood of Sonnet 13...
The Continuing Relevance of Ars Poetica to Legal Scholarship and the Modern Lawyer as "inside every lawyer is the wreck of a poet" (Lukas in Big trouble: a murder in a small western town sets off a struggle for the soul of Ame... JJA Shaw - International Journal for the Semiotics of...
What powerful words do we have to contribute to the future generations to come. That we will die but our words will be remembered. That the powerful play of life will continue on without us and that we may contribute a verse to be remembered. Now the question is what verse will that ...
“song for the prize goat." That meant the winner of a choral contest would take home a goat as first prize. Ancient evidence supports this theory; in hisArs Poetica, the Roman poetHoracementions “the man who once competed for a lowly he-goat/With tragic verse, soon stripped the wild ...
Ars and Artifex in the Ars Poetica: Revisiting the Question of Structure Ars andArtifex in theArs Po茅tica: Revisiting the Question ofStructure Leon Golden Florida State University The history of disagreement about the structure of Horace's Ars Po茅tica is a long one. Rudd (21-25) offers us...