Data is either read or written to the store and a response is sent back to the calling client.Finally, app.Run() starts your API and makes it listen for requests from the client.To run your code, you start your project, like any .NET project, with dotnet run. By default, that ...
Face detection is required as a first step in all the other scenarios. The Detect API detects human faces in an image and returns the rectangle coordinates of their locations. It also returns a unique ID that represents the stored face data. This is used in later operations to identify or ...
A callback function in JavaScript is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is invoked after some kind of event.
In Android it is recommended to set the text size in sp, a special unit that takes into account the text scale specified by the user in the system settings. The downside is that the entire text was enlarged, and if the small text became readable, the larger titles became unreadable due ...
API calling failures are classified into three types: failure of API calling in the same VPC, failure of API calling between different VPCs, and failure of API calling th
Round-robin:The call goes in a circular path from one member to another until it is answered. If all members are busy during the first cycle, the call repeats the cycle. Use cases Make it or break it with the routing algorithms: set the rules that work best for your business. ...
On previous Android versions, you had the ability to ask in a permission request only for the precise location of the user. This has been changed and Google is recommending to put in the request as a choice also the approximate location permission that in this case it is called:ACCESS_COARS...
SymptomCalling the Message & SMS API on the client server times out, and no response is returned.Handling SuggestionCheck whether the request address is correct and try a
This feature is only available with Webex App 44.12 or later. For agents to use this feature, ensure that you have enabled Webex Calling in Control Hub. For information on how this feature works for Agents, see Optimize Webex Contact Center Desktop call notifications with Webex App as a ...
Chapter 1. What Is Android? Android is many things, and the answer depends on who you ask. While for some it is an operating system optimized for mobile devices, others talk of it as an open source middleware and an application framework that allows developers to build applications primarily...