This section uses Android Studio as an example to describe how to integrate the Android SDK for API request signing. You can import the sample project in the code package, and integrate the signing SDK into your application by referring to the API calling example....
常量值:“android.telecom.CallScreeningService” Public constructors CallScreeningService Added inAPI level 24 CallScreeningService () Public methods onBind Added inAPI level 24 IBinderonBind (Intentintent) 将通信信道返回给服务。如果客户端无法绑定到服务,可能会返回null。返回IBinder通常是一个复杂的界面...
In this quickstart, you use a sample single-page app (SPA) to show you how to sign in users by using the authorization code flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) and call the Microsoft Graph API. The sample uses the Microsoft Authentication Library to handle authentication.Prerequisite...
正如我们已经讨论过的语音通话 api,Android 通过内置应用程序拨打电话,这些应用程序很容易在任何地方拨打和接听电话。即使它允许我们通过应用程序拨打电话。 在屏幕后面工作时,一切都与编程有关。这被称为旨在进一步进行的操作,但仍然是ACTION_CALL。 意图对象ACTION_CALL在使用并传递适当的数据时使用。它有助于启动内置...
1) You can add "@hide" javadoc comments to the methods, etc. listed in the errors above. 2) You can update current.txt by executing the following command: make update-api To submit the revised current.txt to the main Android repository, ...
To get started using Cloudflare's products and services via the API, refer to how to interact with Cloudflare, which covers using tools like Terraform and the official SDKs to maintain your Cloudflare resources.Using the Cloudflare API requires authentication so that Cloudflare knows who is making...
(从 Android 8.0 开始,如果您打算在 Android TV 或其他 Android 设备上支持 PIP 模式,则无需将 android:resizeableActivity 设置为 true;只有在您的 Activity 支持其他多窗口模式时,才需要设置 android:resizeableActivity。) API 变更 Android 8.0 引入一种新的对象 PictureInPictureParams,您可以将该对象传递给 ...
●缓存数据本地加密存储,通过 API 读取时会自动解密返回。 ●覆盖安装支付宝(不是先删除再安装)、支付宝设置中心清除缓存、关闭小程序,这三种操作均不会导致小程序缓存失效。 ●单个 key 允许存储的最大数据大小为 200KB,单个小程序的缓存总上限为 10MB。
常量值:“android.telecom.extra.CALL_SUBJECT_CHARACTER_ENCODING”EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH Added in API level 24 String EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT_MAX_LENGTH PhoneAccount临时密钥(请参阅getExtras()),该密钥通过ACTION_CALL意图确定通过EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT额外指定的呼叫主题的最大允许长度。 最终, ConnectionServic...