What is another word for at the stated time? Need synonyms for at the stated time? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.Adverb In a timely manner, as scheduled or expected duly promptly punctually on time in due time in good time at the right ...
Schedule chicken is when two or more teams are at risk of not meeting deadlines, but none of them want to admit it. Instead, each wait for another to slip their schedule first and then uses the other team's slip as a pretext for delaying their delivery.Mara...
What is another word forstress test? Needsynonyms for stress test? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Noun Test of system functions “I have scheduled astress testnext week to measure the system's performance under extreme conditions.” ...
Schedule chicken is when two or more teams are at risk of not meeting deadlines, but none of them want to admit it. Instead, each wait for another to slip their schedule first and then uses the other team's slip as a pretext for delaying their delivery.Mara...
Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects. Mr. Fleagle had a reputation among students for dullness and inability to inspire. He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy...
Activity Logs for Scheduled Reports View the activity logs for scheduled reports. A log will be created every time you create a schedule, update it, mark it as active, and mark it as inactive; also, when a report is generated and sent to the recipients. 8 December 2022 Track Time Using...
Value: Easily spot the active field for your data label in the field well. Modifying it to another field is quick and easy, with customization options like font, color, transparency, and more, plus a new feature for blank value display. Detail: Our new Detail card feature ...
between the advisor and client, the two parties should also review and amend it periodically if circumstances change. Aside from scheduled check-ins, advisors should be alert to changes in clients' liquidity needs. Those could include buying a second home or helping another family member ...
(1) The concept of peace is a very important one in cultures all over the world. Think about how we greet people. In some language, the phrases for greetings contain the word for peace. In some cultures we greet people by shaking hands or with another gesture to show that we are not...
Title of article; heading is used for the title that is rendered on the page. Title is used for the title bar in the browser. There are also title attributes for each section. \n\n headingin JSON object and viewable on page as topic title ...