elroy said: For me, "I have an open schedule" or "My schedule is wide open" would refer to a specific period of time: for example, "My schedule is wide open for the next two weeks." If you generally want to say that your schedule is not busy, you might say "My schedule is usu...
[StateChangeEventAttribute("CREATE_SYNONYM", "SYNONYM")] [EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.None|AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.Enforce|AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnChanges|AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)] [PhysicalFacetAttribute] [StateChangeEventAttribute("RENAME", "SYNONYM...
[EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)] [PhysicalFacetAttribute]publicsealedclassSynonym:ScriptSchemaObjectBase,ISfcSupportsDesignMode,IObjectPermission,ICreatable,IDroppable,IExtendedProperties,IScriptable,IAlterable Synonym 型別公開下列成員。
One method divides the cover text into blocks to hide the secret information for the first time and then uses a highly efficient coding schedule to embed the secret information for the second and third time. The other method employs the backup words to prevent the increase the number of ...
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Facets.EvaluationMode(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf.AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.PhysicalFacet] public sealed class Synonym : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptSchemaObjectBase, Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common...
Your preschooler is just beginning to learn the time of day sequence. While he probably knows what before and after means -- such as, "We will go to get ice cream after you clean up your toys" -- taking on a whole day schedule may not entirely sink in. When teaching preschoolers abou...
By means of simultaneous optimization of flexible HEN synthesis and cleaning schedule,the total annual cost of the heat exchanger network can be further reduced,and the network flexibility is improved at the same time. 通过柔性综合与维护同步优化,年度总费用能够进一步降低,同时网络柔性得到提高。 3. ...
what students will be doing each day at a specific time. Using a schedule will not only help keep you on task during the day but will also assist you with the development of lesson plans. This way, you can be sure that you cover all of the information your students need for first ...
applications that support state mandated content standards. The Internet provides the opportunity for people anywhere in the world to access quality educational services from the comfort of their home. The Internet allows you to have access to educational opportunities on your schedule, and at your ...
On the first day of high school most students spend time getting familiar with their classmates, teachers and subjects. Icebreaker activities are useful for establishing common ground, diffusing the awkwardness between students and encouraging communicat