Peanut {Easter Egger}. Another total stinker. Hilda, Hilda, Hilda. This bird runs to our feet, and peeps until we pick her up. And then all she wants to do is take a nap in our arms. Raising chickens is the best. Wouldn’t you agree? ~Mavis GoHEREfor moreChicken Stories My...
the Easter Egger, stayed in the run and watched the others. She is a pretty but somewhat timid thing. I tried “herding” her out of the pen but it was nearly impossible. Have you ever tried to herd a chicken?
Here’s one of my Easter Egger hens in full-fledged plumage, looking sleek and neat. Wren Everett / Insteading Chicken feathers wear out. And when they’ve reached that point, the chicken knows it’s time to make new ones. When a chicken molts a feather, the old one falls completely ...