One trend that has exploded in recent years is what’s referred to as “Olive Eggers,” which are Ameraucanas, Araucanas, or Easter Eggers crossed with a chocolate egg layer breed such as a Maran or Welsummer. This cross produces an Easter Egger (or “Olive Egger”) that lays a dark o...
It Isn’t an Easter Egger Chicken if it is: Not a cross. If it is a true chicken breed, then it can’t be an Easter Egger chicken. Easter Eggers are sometimes mislabeledAmeraucanachickensorAraucana chickens, which are true breeds. Egg Color, Size and Laying Habits: Blue, green, or pin...
There are about 20 chickens at 1760 Homestead Farm in Northville capable of laying these brightly colored eggs in shades that can range from olive green to turquoise blue and dusty rose. They are aptly called “Easter Egger” breeds and produce about two eggs every three days, which are dilig...