Biology What Is the Largest Predator That Ever Lived? Related Articles What is the Difference Between Green and Brown Algae? What is the Difference Between Protozoans and Metazoans? How Many Species of Plants Are There? What Is Carrageenan?
E. Some bloom-forming algae are extremely toxic to human beings and animals. F. Eichhornia crassipies is the world's most problematic aquatic weed. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class...
The majority of algae live in aquatic habitats (Current Biology, 2014). Yet, the word "aquatic" is almost limited in its ability to encompass the diversity of these habitats. These organisms can thrive in freshwater lakes or in saltwater oceans. They can also endure a range of temperatures,...
What is the importance of studying fungi by a biology student? What causes the algae blooms in Lake Erie? What is the significance of transpiration in plants? What is the importance of nitrogen fixation? Explain the importance of nitrogen in growing plants. ...
Biology Chemistry Physics UniversitiesWhat Is Brown Algae?Brown algae are also known as phaeophyta. It is basically marine in its habitat. They have no unicellular forms and their body is differentiated into different parts. The largest algae belong to brown algae which are known as Kelps. They ...
Simply put, Biology is the study of life, in all of its grandeur. It concerns all life forms, from unicellular algae to the largest African Elephants. Coined by the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck in 1802, the word biology comes from the Greek words ‘bios...
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Biology Chemistry Physics UniversitiesWhat Is Red Algae?Red algae are also known as Rhodophyta. They are basically marine in their habitat and are autotrophic. They do not have motile stage. They can be unicellular, filamentous or ribbon shape. Some of them are macroscopic. They are known as ...
Paleobotany focuses on plant fossils, including algae, fungi, and related organisms, as well as mosses, ferns, and seed plants. ... For example, the location of coal deposits (which are the remains of giant tree ferns) in what is now Pennsylvania indicates the warmer climate that must have...
What is in an ecosphere? What is an EcoSphere? The EcoSphere is a completely closed, balanced, glass ecosystem. Inside each EcoSphere areshrimp, algae, and microorganisms in salt water. Because the EcoSphere contains everything it needs to thrive, you never have to feed the life within, or ...