The term algae is from the Latin alga, meaning “seaweed”. The descriptive word algal pertains to, characterizes, or relates to alga(e). Classification In the 5-kingdom scheme of classification, the algae, together with the protozoa, belong to Kingdom Protista. They are distinct from the ...
The study of algae is called algology (from the Latin alga, meaning sea wrack) or phycology (from the Greek phykos, seaweed). See Bryophyta, Plant kingdom, Thallobionta General form and structure Algae range from unicells 1–2 micrometers in diameter to huge thalli [for example, kelps ...
Click here forStudy Material on Kingdom Monera To read more, Buy study materials ofBiological Classificationcomprising study notes, revision notes, video lectures, previous year solved questions etc. Also browse for more study materials on Biologyhere....
In many ways, protozoa and algae are similar. In biological terms, they belong to the same kingdom. They are both composed of eukaryotic cells, which means that they have a membrane-bound nucleus and some other basic cellular structures. However, their method of obtaining energy, as all orga...
The term phytoremediation comes from the Greek prefix “phyto”, meaning plants, and the Latin suffix “remedium”, meaning clean [21]. It is an in situ method that utilizes the ability of plants to absorb metals and organic pollutants from water, soil, and air [22]. Phytoremediation involv...
The eukaryotic algae arepolyphyletic, meaning that they did not evolve from a single common ancestor. This is clearly demonstrated in our current understanding of the tree of life — a family tree of all living organisms organized by their various evolutionary relationships. Eukaryotic algae are foun...
In an isomorphic or homologous diplohaplontic life cycle, the main characteristic is that the gametophytic and sporophytic plants are morphologically similar, meaning their form is alike. Also, both stages in this type of life cycle are free living, meaning they are independent from one another....
In 2006, Nozaki and other University of Tokyo experts were the first to find a male-specific gene inP. starrii, which they namedOTOKOGI, a Japanese word meaning “manly.” In 2010, they found a group of female-only genes and named themHIBOTAN, or “scarlet peony,” after a 1960s film...
The meaning of the terms "lateral" and "terminal" sometimes varies as used by different authors, as does the usage of "paraphyses" and "stalks." For example, the position of the reproductive structure, lateral vs. terminal, and its relative position to the paraphyses, reproductive or ...
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