Science What is albedo in meteorology?Question:What is albedo in meteorology?Meteorology:Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere. It involves many aspects of the atmosphere, phenomena in the atmosphere, and various aspects of the air. One area of interest is air temperature because the ...
Here’s a really good article on KQED’s Climate Watch on Albedo and why it’s important in a warming planet – it’s also really good to see Jeff Dozier’s work highlighted in the article. btw, last year Jeff was awarded the Jim Gray eScience Award, which recognizes innovators whose ...
What is albedo in meteorology? What is relative motion? What is chiropractic biophysics? What is Olbers' paradox? What is applied biomechanics? What are baryons? What does the word centripetal mean? What is angular kinematics? What is radial acceleration?
What is another name for the sunlight zone? What is albedo in meteorology? What is climate science? What is atmospheric climatology? What is the scope of climatology? Where does the abyssopelagic zone start? What is a dead zone and what is its cause? Where is the epipelagic zone located?
Yet this corrupt data wangling of the “facts” and “the science” is still being used to justify controls imposed by law though deceitfully created fear of the “unknown”, that is in fact known, but another version of reality is made up to scare people from authority that cannot be ...
Qualitatively, a planetary magnetosphere is the volume of space from which the solar wind is excluded by a planet's magnetic field. (A schematic illustration of the terrestrial magnetosphere is given in Fig. 1, which shows how the solar wind is diverted around the magnetopause, a surface that...
To illustrate how belief in the existential nature of climate change risk presupposes a rejection of mainstream climate science, I bring to your attention a 2018documentthat is typical of the climate alarm canon. It is titled‘What Lies Beneath’ and carries the subtitle, ‘The Understatement of...
The planetary climate is a measure of the long-term trends in the weather. Various factors are known to influence the climate, including ocean currents, surface albedo, greenhouse gases, variations in the solar luminosity, and changes to the planet's orbit. Based on historical records, the Eart...
Examines the science and arguments of global warming skepticism. Common objections like 'global warming is caused by the sun', 'temperature has changed naturally in the past' or 'other planets are warming too' are examined to see what the science really
from its starting state to a desired state. A good example of a positive feedback loop is the melting of polar ice caps. As ice melts, it reduces the Earth's albedo or reflectivity, which in turn leads to more heat being absorbed by the Earth, further melting ice and causing more ...