Question: Explain in terms of the glacial budget how a once-active glacier becomes stagnant. Glaciology: Glaciology is a field of study that falls within the Earth sciences and physical geography and focuses on various phenomena involving ice in its solid state, including its ext...
Describe the greenhouse effect and how it relates to climate change. Explain why "global climate change" is a more accurate term than "global warming." How can scientists learn about Earth's climatic history? Explain how the ability to describe the pattern of ice ages ov...
In the title text, Randall coins the term "Stroop-YORP number" as a count of how many 'casual' references a future publication can sneak into it from the 16 finalist names for cutest effect. It specifies that it should be without the word effect after the words (sans 'effect'). Tongue...
there have been more interannual fluctuations than in the previous period. However, apart from a significant negative excursion in the years 2016 to 2019, the long-term mean sea-ice cover around the Antarctic continent has remained stable since 1979. As ...
What is albedo effect? What are the main greenhouse gases and explain how they affect the Earth. How does the temperature of ocean water affect sea level? What are three ways in which humans affect the carbon cycle? What are the biological impacts of these ac...
The term flora refers to all the plants existing in a region. Fauna refers to all the animals existing in a region. Fauna depends on flora for food and survival. Answer and Explanation:1 The atmosphere is the envelope of gases that ...
Briefly explain the following: Impacts of climate change on human health. Describe the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global climate change. How does photosynthesis influence greenhouse effect and global warming? Name three human causes of global warming. What is albedo effect? What are...
Discuss ways humans have altered the planet, including changes to climate. What is the Greenhouse Effect, and how are humans making it a cause of the current global warming? Name three human causes of global warming. What is albedo effect? What are the main greenhouse gases and explain how ...
What is albedo effect? What are the main greenhouse gases and explain how they affect the Earth. Describe greenhouse gases and their role in current climate change. Briefly explain the following: Greenhouse effect. What is the greenhouse...
Climate change term means a change in the climate due to direct and indirect human activities that alter the composition of the global atmosphere. The results of climate change are a shift in temperature, snow and rainfall patterns. Answer and Explanation:1 ...