alone adv. 单独。 即:这些问题仅仅依靠物理和生物技术是无法解决的。 【完整译文】 ①几乎我们(人类)所有的问题都和人的行为有关;并且,这些问题仅仅依靠物理和生物技术是无法解决的。 ②What is needed is a technology of behavior,butwe have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology ...
(Day 721) Put simply, IQ is about how book smart you are whereas EQ is about how emotionallyintelligentyou are.简单来说,智商是有关于你读书有多机灵,而情商是有关于你情感上有多聪明。 知识点拓展 intelligentadj. 2. an intelligent creature is able to think and understand(生物)有智慧的 Are ther...
1what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).和 How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is).这两个经常让我混淆,我该怎么区分.what和how怎么区分啊,我被他们用的头昏脑胀.什么是谓语?比如说;they'are'lucky'boys.改为;what lucky boys they are.也可改为:how lucky the boys are.不然考试拿零蛋...
What Is SEC Form ADV Part 1 and Part 2? Part 1 of SEC Form ADV is meant to identify the firm that is submitting the form. It includes information about the firm, the services it provides, who owns the business, the clients it serves, any business affiliations, and any disciplinary acti...
一、阅读Passage 1 From Page to Screen 北师大 Book 5 Unit 6 Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but it’s normal to have high expectations when a film of a favourite book is made. There are many times I have been pessimistic or even disappointed by a...
Wherever a loose bed of sand is subject to sufficiently strong winds, aeolian dunes form at predictable wavelengths and growth rates. As dunes mature and coarsen, however, their growth trajectories become more idiosyncratic; nonlinear effects, sediment s
1.extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长 →extension n.延伸 →extended adj.伸出的,伸展的;延长的;持续的 2.negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商 →negotiation n.协商,谈判 3.royal adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的 →royally adv.像...
Part 1 (Para. 1, 2): The author points out that when we are not sure what happiness is, we Part 1 (Para. 1, 2): The author points out that when we are not sure what happiness is, we Part 1 (Para. 1, 2): The author points out that when we are not sure what happiness is...
adv. (用于猜测)嗯,哦 实用场景例句 全部 什么 多少 …的事物 …的 What do you want?... 你想要什么? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 What did she tell you, anyway?... 总之,她告诉了你什么? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an ...
What's于出租者和租用者来说都more, sharing encourage u to reuse items thereby①reuseν再次使用,重复使用是一个双赢的局面;人人cuing down on wate. And st-ups such as bike andthereby /ǒea'baI/ adv因此都能挣钱,或都能省钱。由此car sharing do a further favours for the environment bycut down ...