激励,鼓舞每位艺术家都希望Every artist's wish is to create something※inspiration n.灵感通过创作表达(自己的)that expresses an idea①. But where②find out查明,弄清;发现理念。而这些理念从何而do artists get their ideas from? Who or③influence n.影响(力);有影响来?是谁,抑或是什么启②what ...
alone adv. 单独。 即:这些问题仅仅依靠物理和生物技术是无法解决的。 【完整译文】 ①几乎我们(人类)所有的问题都和人的行为有关;并且,这些问题仅仅依靠物理和生物技术是无法解决的。 ②What is needed is a technology of behavior,butwe have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology ...
section a 1a-2c1. want sb to do sth 2. enough +n; adj/adv+ enough3. argue with sb about sth 4. out of style5. call up/ give sb a call/ phone sb 6.a ticket to a ball game7.what’s wrong? 8. maybe you should buy some new clothes.随堂练习设计一、翻译词组1.leave out _...
What Is SEC Form ADV Part 1 and Part 2? Part 1 of SEC Form ADV is meant to identify the firm that is submitting the form. It includes information about the firm, the services it provides, who owns the business, the clients it serves, any business affiliations, and any disciplinary acti...
20、or (prs,d3ekto(r) n.放映机,投影仪device divais n.装置,仪器pathetic poOetik adj.可怜的,可悲的Word Form1. horrible hursbl adj.恐怖的-horribly hurbli adv.恐怖地2. responsibility n spunss bibti n.责任 -(ir)responsible nspunsbl adj.(不)负责任的3. penmssion ps mifii n.准许,许...
1Pair WorkHave you ever watched a film that is adapted from a book? Which one do you think is better, the original book or the film made from it? Why? READ AND EXPLORE 2 What does the title "From Page to Screen" mean? Read paragraph 1. What is the writer's attitude towards it?
然而,防止信息while they are sharing rides泄露或被盗的技术仍然onetheless, what is in no doubt is that the sharing有待改进,服务方和用户⑤nonetheless adv尽管如此,但是对潜在风险的防范意识也economy is increasingly relevant to our daily livesbe relevant to和……相关⑦daily life日常生活较低。as welas...
moreover 与what is more 的区别 答案 moreover,what's more 都有“此外,而且”的含义 adv.但有轻重之分。 moreover:多为补充说明,前面所说的及后面所补充的是并列关系,就是补充未说完的话。 例子:Moreover, the researchers discovered that these two connections were independent of each other.此外,研究...
adv. (用于猜测)嗯,哦 实用场景例句 全部 什么 多少 …的事物 …的 What do you want?... 你想要什么? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 What did she tell you, anyway?... 总之,她告诉了你什么? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an ...
船长 ahead adv. 在前面 ray n. 光线, 光束 gradually adv. 逐渐地, 逐步地 shore n. 岸, 滨 carpet n. 地毯 broad adj. 宽的, 阔的 beneath prep. 在……之下, 在……正下方 resident n. 居民, 住户 male n. 雄性动物核心词汇拓展 initial adj. 开始的, 最初的 →initially adv. 最初 crowd ...