) The Scripture sentences said or sung during the collection of the offerings. Offertory (n.) The offerings themselves. Offerture (n.) Offer; proposal; overture. Offhand (a.) Instant; ready; extemporaneous; as, an offhand speech; offhand excuses. Offhand (adv.) In an offhand manner; ...
an individual's survival depends on having strong long-lasting relationships, based on mutual trust. Taking into account the importance of our social life, it would be obvious to state that when this is taken away, it can
A. We are to understand them as expressions of God, in condescension to the weakness of our understanding; even as the glory of heaven is expressed to us in scripture by a city, and the royal feast. These shadows are useful to us whilst we are in the body; but we shall know him in...
Thus, it is faith that confirms to our hearts that we will be going to a very real place called heaven someday. The Bible is filled with references to the heavenly realm or a place that is invisible to our eyes physically today, yet very real in its existence. We ...
To give an order for Place a bet. Home The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant; habitat; seat. The home of the pine Place To apply or arrange for Place an order. Home A focus point. Place To make or obtain a connection ...
Queen Vashti Deposed - This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush: At
The image of God is an idea in Scripture that is connected to this Kingdom, and both of these ideas are anchored in Genesis 1. In the final part of the episode (14:24-29:18), the guys look at what it means for God?s Kingdom to be seen through humans. Psalm 8 is a poetic...
In fact lets look at the scripture references for themselves to see how Yahweh God hates rape: But if the man find the damsel that is betrothed in the field, and the man take hold of her, and lie with her; THEN THE MAN ONLY THAT LAY WITH HER SHALL DIE. But unto the damsel thou...
Each day of the study walks you through a key Scripture on love, explaining its meaning and significance for your life. You’ll learn the deep meaning of God’s love according to his Word, gain insight into Jesus’ commands about love, discover how love leads to an abundant life, and ...
According toBaker's Biblical Dictionary, Lust is "a strong craving or desire, often of a sexual nature. Though used relatively infrequently (twenty-nine times) in Scripture, a common theme can be seen running through its occurrences. The word is never used in a positive context; rather, it...