Let your children sing their hearts our while parents get to observe a wonderful show full of songs, bible verses, learning skills, and more. These shows take place twice a year on the big stage in the sanctuary. What a great experience for our little performers. Join the fun and refreshm...
by Rod & Rose in Authentic Life by Rod Tags: Abundant Life, Bible, Christianity, God, Interlock 1 Vote What if we had a “God Interlock” system in our lives so we would not be able to get started with our daily activities until God has breathed Himself into us through His inspired...
When I pray for others, I open my Bible and I let The Holy Spirit direct me to books, chapters, verses – and that is where I begin to pray for my friends and family and others that burden my heart. I know I don’t have the answers, but God does. So His Word is where I tur...
One of my favorite Bible verses reads, Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 I used to view this verse as a promise that all my childhood dreams of becoming a famous actress would absolutely become reality. And yet, as I've grown to...
According to the Bible, David was a successful man. He had great wealth. He was king over the land. He had a great army, great loyalty, and great leaders. Near the end of his life, he handed off the task of building the temple to his son, Solomon. But he did more than just han...
Several years ago, I began underlining “joy “ in my Bible in orange. How often the word appears in the Old and New Testaments is incredible. In secular life, joy can be defined as an emotion evoked by well-being, success, good fortune, or the prospect of possessing what one desires....
There are many verses in the Bible that remind us how special we are to God that Hedelightsin us. Here are a few: For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will takedelightin you with gladness. With His love He will calm all your fears. He willrejoice...
and religion.Johnny had a limited knowledge of church.He had some people in his life who had brought him to Catholic mass and some encounters with Mormons coming to his door; he believed in God, but had been hurt by people.He told us stories of people in his family who had positions ...
20+ Scripture Verses About Accountability in the Bible Read More How to Not Feel Tired in the Morning: The Healthy Way Read More View All articles Mental Wellness Wellness DIY Healthy Home Work From Home Homeschool Mom Life Building Faith ...
Scripture About Worry, Anxiety & Depression Before I share these encouraging Bible verses about worry (see also: stress and anxiety) I just want to say how much these scriptures have impacted my life. Like any addiction, the first step began with admitting that to myself that the worry I ...