— --Question:What does the grade of the tumor, rate of cell growth and differentiation mean? Answer:Looking at the tumor under the microscope is extremely important for determining what to do next (prognosis) and appropriate choice of therapy. One of the things we look at under the microsco...
A malignant tumor is a cancerous tumor capable of metastasis, or the ability to spread to healthy tissues in other parts of the body. Learn how to define a malignant tumor, then explore its possible treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. ...
A solid tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue that without cysts or liquids in it. Solid tumors can be either benign or cancerous...
Danielle has a PhD in Natural Resource Sciences and a MSc in Biological Sciences What is anaphylaxis and why do people go into shock over it? Read this lesson to learn exactly what anaphylaxis is, what causes it to happen, what the symptoms are, and how to treat it! Knowing this could ...
What is the cure for cervical cancer? Can cervical cancer be genetic? Can cervical cancer be painful? How fast can cervical cancer develop? Is cervical cancer a tumor? Can cervical cancer be hereditary? Is cervical cancer benign or malignant?
While Grade Groups (GG) 2 and 3 are ideal candidates for FT, high-volume GG 1 and small deposits of GG 4 may also be treated by FT. The size of the cancer acts as a surrogate for tumor aggressiveness within the GG.Second, tumor location influences treatment success and subsequent ...
A high-grade tumor is usually larger and often spreads to other areas in your body. The type of liposarcoma that you have will depend on the kind of cells that make up your tumor. Your liposarcoma may be any of the following:Well-differentiated: This is the most common type of ...
What Is the Gleason Grading System? Many people with prostates have cancer cells in their prostate that never grow into a tumor or spread. If your pathologist finds cancer cells in your biopsy, they will use the Gleason Grading System to grade the cancer cells based on how much like healthy...
Cancer is staged I-IV after all factors are taken into consideration, including cancer grade. Stage I means the tumor is small and low grade. Stage II means the tumor is small and high grade. Stage III means the tumor is large and higher grade. Stage IV means the tumor has spread to ...
Initial stages of bladder cancer may be treated with a TURBT. A TURBT is a type of surgery to remove the cancer, however, it is a surgery conducted by... Learn more about this topic: Bladder & Urethra Treatment Vocabulary from