— --Question:What does the grade of the tumor, rate of cell growth and differentiation mean? Answer:Looking at the tumor under the microscope is extremely important for determining what to do next (prognosis) and appropriate choice of therapy. One of the things we look at under the microsco...
A malignant tumor is a cancerous tumor capable of metastasis, or the ability to spread to healthy tissues in other parts of the body. Learn how to define a malignant tumor, then explore its possible treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. ...
Stage 1 breast cancer is divided into two categories; stage 1A and stage 1B. The size of the tumor and what cells are cancerous is the difference between stage 1A and stage 1B. Cancers that are stage 1A are the cancers that are smaller than two centimeters and do not involve any of ...
A high-grade tumor is usually larger and often spreads to other areas in your body. The type of liposarcoma that you have will depend on the kind of cells that make up your tumor. Your liposarcoma may be any of the following:Well-differentiated: This is the most common type of ...
Is grade 2 breast cancer serious? What is nuclear grade in breast cancer? What causes dimpling in breast cancer? Is breast cancer a hereditary disease? What are the chances a lump is breast cancer? What is a bone scan for breast cancer?
Answer and Explanation:1 Initial stages of bladder cancer may be treated with a TURBT. A TURBT is a type of surgery to remove the cancer, however, it is a surgery conducted by... Learn more about this topic: Bladder & Urethra Treatment Vocabulary ...
be either noted in an individual tumor at the time of presentation or between varying anatomic locations of the disease (primary versus metastatic). If both high- and low- grade components are present in a single NET, this is strong evidence that the high-grade component is a well-differen-...
Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) is a unique low-grade tumor composed of cords and nests of clear cells in a hyalinized stroma that was first reported by Milchgrub et al. It was recognized as a separate entity from clear cell variants of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, myoepithelial...
However, the pathologist is faced with different strategies and decisions, while taking into consideration the size, the quality and quantity of the sample, and the percentage of tumor cells. In addition to providing a diagnosis, the pathologist must evaluate the need to prescribe not only ...
Danielle has a PhD in Natural Resource Sciences and a MSc in Biological Sciences What is anaphylaxis and why do people go into shock over it? Read this lesson to learn exactly what anaphylaxis is, what causes it to happen, what the symptoms are, and how to treat it! Knowing this could ...